

Responses from tboooe

Music Server vs. PC vs. Transport vs. ?
Chris, my new gear will be arriving by mid of next week. Any time after that you are more than welcomed to cruise over. Looking forward to it! Just promise me no talk about vinyl...I cant afford to go down that path!!! My wife would kill me! 
Music Server vs. PC vs. Transport vs. ?
I personally think the idea of having a PC or laptop is overkill. I use a Sonos system with a 1TB NAS attached to my wireless router. This setup allows me to access my music library, internet radio, Sirius, and other music sources without the need... 
From Pass X250,5 to 350,5 : what to expect?
I have to agree with Ingvar. I don't think that sheer watts is the reason for a difference in sound. It must be that a different circuit or design or components are used to produce the higher power. Or like so many other things in our whacky hobby... 
What started you on the merry go round?
I totally "blame" my Dad who has a very musical family. All 13 (!) of this siblings played some sort of musical instrument and sang. Two actually had minor professional singing careers. Needless to say music was always a big part of my life. My da... 
Have you ever deceived your wife-audio purchase
is non-disclosure considered deception??? If I am 100% guilty. Typically, my wife and I don't talk about our purchases unless it impacts the family in some way. We really do not care how much the other spends as long as we can pay our bills and co... 
Preferred Amps for Magico Mini II?
I believe I read somewhere that Magico actually uses the Pass Labs X205.5 0r 350.5 when demoing. 
Am I Bad Listener?
you are a lucky dude! While I do not claim to have golden ears, I can tell the difference between components up to a certain level. Perhaps my ear more tin instead of gold! I view this as a blessing for my wallet! Just sit back and enjoy and whate... 
Philosophy used in assembling your system?
Here are my general guidelines in putting together a system:-Get a source (cdp) that is the most detailed and revealing as possible. Once you lose bits you can never get it back downstream.-Get speakers that are neutral, dynamic, and detailed. You... 
How to reply to questions about stereo cost?
To be honest, I am afraid to even think about what I spent on my system. The thought makes a cringe a bit sometimes so I just avoid thinking about the live blissfully ignorant, spending more and more money into this crazy hobby! That being said, I... 
How isolated is your hi-fi?
I guess the grass is always greener. I would like nothing more than to have a dedicated space where I can optimize my system and got the most out of it. We already have music systems throughout my house in the family room, patio, master bedroom, a... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
istanbulu, I will definitely keep you updated via personal email as I audition these cables more. I am actually looking forward to taking them out of my system when I have to return them to the Cable Co. From my experience, I am most able to hear ... 
Power Cord Revelation
jylee, consider yourself lucky that you do not have to spend money on power cords!!!! Thats what makes this hobby so fun/frustrating. There is no formula or right or wrong. For me, I was not a power cord believer until recently. From my experience... 
YG Acoustic Kipods
khrys, thanks for the input. I must admit I am very interested. Would you say the Kipods are in the same family with the Wilsons in terms of sound? Did you find them difficult to place correctly in your room? 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
istanbulu, for my cdp, the Hologram D did indeed make a pretty big difference though I still evaluating. I am impressed with the soundstage width. My speakers have never disappeared more so than with these cables. The most impressive change though... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
audphile, you have the Audio Research LS-25 right? When I tried poewr cords on my Ref 3, I found that nothing worked better than the stock cords. Perhaps the LS-25 will behave in the same manner. Consider yourself lucky if it does! You dont have t...