

Responses from tboooe

Goodbye Sonos, hello ????
Thank you Ig316b. I have considered trying out JPlay. I will definitely do that in the near future. Right now I am running Windows 7 and have used the Fidelizer app to optimize the OS. I must say, I am very happy with the sound and am looking forw... 
Front call absorption, pls explain theory...
Thanks guys. Makes a lot sense.Newbee, my room layout/restrictions limit my ability do everything I want to with acoustic treatments. I cannot treat sidewall reflections because there is a door and a window there that the family needs access to. I... 
Modding Synergistic Research MPC to Galileo status
Devilboy, I have not heard any changes over time but I also have changed my system around lately so it's hard to tell. I am sending 2 more MPCs to Mike for mod this week. I will try to pay attention this time to see if anything changes. What is yo... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Damn Mofi! I thought Susie Suh was pretty damn obscure! You are a worthy musical opponent. :) I am going to have to really dig into my library now. 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Glad you enjoyed Zee Avi Mofi!Here is one obscure one if you like Fiona Apple or Rachael Yamagata: Susie Suh. Her new album The Bakman Tapes is good! 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Now listening to the self titled debut from Zee Avi. She has a great old school vibe to her music and vocal style. Give her a listen. 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Busted out with a little Willie Nelson "Stardust". Not a big country fan at all but Willie's voice sounds just so real on my system. Going to be picking up his new album "To All The Girls" on HD Tracks soon. 
Review: Acoustic Zen Absolute Copper Interconnect
I wonder how these sound compared to AZ silver ref interconnects? I am a big fan of silver cables. To me they sound more dynamic and lifelike. 
How many sq feet of diffusion do I need?
Thanks everyone especially Lowrider57 for the kind words. I am a bit limited in what I can do in that room. I can't treat 1st reflection points since my family needs access to the closet and window which are at these points. I can't move the speak... 
How many sq feet of diffusion do I need?
Thank you Lowrider57. Yes, my room measurements are in feet. To be honest, I think my system sounds very good but frankly I think I dont know any better because I never had any room treatments. I had a company come in and do some analysis of my ro... 
Are We Talking CDs And CDPs Out Of Existence?
I've been thinking about this very topic for a while. Like others in this forum, I have been a music lover and collector for a long time. I never ever sell any of my CDs so over the years my collection has grown to over 3000 titles and yes that in... 
Use asynch. USB converter with inboard DAC?
Hi Steve, just curious why you think external USB converters will ALWAYS beat the internal USB of DACs. Isn't that a rather overly broad statement to make? Don't get me wrong, I don't know either way but you are implying that any USB converter wou... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Ruth Moody "These Wilder Things" 
Goodbye CD's
Knghifi, I have a RAID 5 as well as another NAS that is synced to mirror the RAID 5. I've had a RAID that completely fried itself taking some of the data with it. Perhaps I am paranoid but I feel better knowing I have the original music in case so... 
Luxman DA-06 Dac...anyone?
Agree, price is going to be reduced to $4999. At that price, assuming I can get a bit of discount it does not make sense for me to risk getting a Japanese spec unit.