
Responses from taters

comments on Naim Audio
I only have one experience with Naim. I recently auditioned some Harbeth speakers with a Naim Intergrated and a Naim CD player. I thought it sounded ok but then the guy switched to a Leben tube amp and the Harbeths really opened up and sounded mag... 
Has anybody heard the new Audio Research LS 27?
Every model ARC puts out is always better than the previous model.(That's what my dealer says) 
Do people buy MAC gear for the blue meters
Sit,He is a hoarder. He never sells anything. He has so much stuff he lives in his garage. 
Do people buy MAC gear for the blue meters
The funny thing is my friend has Mac gear from 1995 and now he wants to update all his gear to the newer stuff. I told him the face plate and meters haven't changed so why bother updating. I think the one person that said he has more dollars than ... 
Mobile Fidelity Surface Noise
I have recently bought some reissues from Mobile Fidelity and the sound quality is disappointing. You would think they would do a better job considering their owned by Music Direct. Jim Davis I hope you are reading this. 
Do you listen alone or with guest s
I listen alone. My wife is a T.V. junkie and my friends don't get it and don't care. 
Would you pay to listen?
I live in Southern California and I have heard many expensive systems over the years. Most don't sound that great. I have been more Impressed with modest systems that were matched properly. 
Benz Wood SL Very lean from the start
ksl 822,I have a VPI aries with a JMW 10.5 tonearm. My phono stage is an ARC ph-5. I'm also running an ARC tube amp and pre-amp. 
Benz Wood SL Very lean from the start
I currently have one and it took about 100 hours to break in.The cartridge has alot of bloom and is not thin at all. Some people might find it too warm. 
Harbeth-7es or Fritzspeakers carbon-7
Fritz brought over the C-7's and I thought they were really good. I also went and heard the Harbeths. I wish I had both speakers over here to compare. I will say that Fritz gives great service. The Harbeth dealer would never let me borrow the spea... 
Maggie 1.7's?
I heard them with some Mac gear. I wasn't impressed. 
Dynaudio C-1 or Harbeth-7-es-III
Logenn,I have a Arc vt-100mkIII power amp, arc ls-25 pre-amp and a arc-ph-5 phono-pre-amp. 
Harbeth-7es or Fritzspeakers carbon-7
Rumadian,Thank you for your observation. I'm going today to listen to the Harbeths and hopefully Fritz will come by soon with his speaker. I will let you know my findings. Thank again. 
The Hub: Just how bad is it in high end audio?
Hifi Gary,Brooks Berdan is expanding because he now has major competition 20 minutes a way. He was a lone soldier for years and keep his store very small. Now there is another dealer with a big showroom and some similar lines. In fact the new deal... 
Harbeth-7es or Fritzspeakers carbon-7
I appreciate all the comments. If anyone out there has compared the Harbeth 7-es to the Fritz carbon-7 I would really appreciate it. Thanks.