
Responses from taters

My experience has been the opposite. When I hear megabuck systems I usually am very disappoinred in the sound. When I hear modest sytems I'm blown away by how good they sound.Sure I have heard a few megabuck systems that were mind blowing but for ... 
Good stores in LA
Bongo, I do agree with your assessments on dealers 1,3,4 and 5. I do have to stick up for Brooks Berdan. They have always went out of there way to help me and even ordered Items for me without asking for money up front. 
Good stores in LA
Gene Rubin is great If you are Into Naim electronics and Harbeth speakers. 
Good stores in LA
Dr.Jack left the Encino store about a year ago. It is currently being run by his partner. I don't know If he is still Involved with the operation of the business. 
Good stores in LA
Gene Rubin works out of his home. He is located in Ventura county. 
Good stores in LA
1.Acoustic Image in Studio City- Elliot works out of his home and he actually listens to music. He has a good ear and knows what sounds good. The only downfall is he is by appointment only.2.Brook Berdan Ltd- Brooks and his son Bryan run the shopp... 
Wilson's new speaker the Sasha is coming.
I think wilson should come out with a pink speaker for women. I know Paris Hilton would buy one. She just painted her Bentley pink. 
Would you pay to audition speakers
Knownothing,This thread has nothing to do about a home audition. I don't know why people keep bringing that up. 
Would you pay to audition speakers
The 500.00 he was asking for wasn't for a home demo. In fact he never said a word about a home demo. He wanted 500.00 If I wanted to demo more than one speaker system. He said that his time is valuable and he should be paid for it. He said he used... 
Favorite Female vocals that give you goose bumps
I can't believe no one mentioned Jachinta. 
Audience Interconnects for analog
Gentlemen, I'm asking about the Interconnects not the power conditioner. Thanks. 
Is Selling Direct Viable for Manufacturers?
I think most of the well known companies could sell direct if they would offer the consumer the 40% discount they give to dealers. If they were trying to sell the product at full retail it would be hard. Like it or not price in a lot of cases dict... 
'In Home Dealers' are the future?
I know a guy that does in home audio. He carries all the esoteric brands. He is really struggling in this economy. He will let you take equipment home for a few days to try it out. The most discount he will do is 10%. I only know of one dealer tha... 
Kt-88's for ARC amp
I know all about Mr. Deal. I think his name should be Mr. NoDeal. 
Buy tubes from Audio Research or not
Philefreak,I was never nasty or rude to Mr.Deal. I just wanted to know why they would not sell me tubes. I'm in business myself and I always answer the customers questions. I am never rude to customers and I have never told them never to call back...