
Responses from taters

accuphase compare to mcintosh
Accuphase gear is so overpriced not many can afford it. Mc gear Isn't cheap but it is within reason for an average joe that doesn't drive a fancy car or eat out in 100.00 plus restaurants. 
Amp more important than speakers?
From my own experience I would rather own a 2000.00 pair of speakers with a 10k amp then the other way around. I am currently running a front-end setup including TT, phone-pre-pre and amp that cost 19k. The speakers cost around 6k. I was recently ... 
WOW; great stuff at THE Show, Newport this weekend
For a first show they did a great job. I hope they have it again next year. 
Has anybody heard the new Audio Research LS 27?
I currently have a ARC line stage that I bought in 2000. I have never heard any of the newer line stages. Now I'm curious to take my line stage to an ARC dealer and compare it with the newer models. 
Removing power conditioner...
I recently sold my Audience power conditioner and went with the Wire mold. Sounds better and cost 3000.00 less. 
are audiophiles different than non audiophiles ?
I don't agree with the statement that audiophiles are in general smarter than non-audiophiles. I have met plenty of audiophiles that I think should be commited. 
So, what DON'T you spend money on?
After reading these answers I guess audiophiles are a pretty boring group. No wonder I don't have any audiophile friends. 
VPI Aries versus VPI Classic
Br 3098,I think your description of the Aries is 100% correct. It's funny how the dealers I have talked too say the classic is better. Maybe they have never compared them side by side. 
VPI Aries versus VPI Classic
I can't Imagine an Aries being bright. I have heard 2 other ones besides mine and bright is the last thing they are. What kind of cartridge and phono-preamp are you using? 
VPI Aries versus VPI Classic
Macdadtexas,Can you please tell me the difference between the Aries and the Classic. I have heard the Classic one time but it had a different cartridge and phone-pre so I really didn't have a direct comparison. Some dealers are telling me the Clas... 
Dynaudio Confidence C1 and Vivid V1.5
Does Vivid have a website? 
Dynaudio Confidence C1 and Vivid V1.5
Dealers are always touting their own gear on this website. I feel Audiogon should censor the dealers that do that. 
Best new Liquid conductor technologies-Audio Magic
I recently got the liquid air cable and have compared it to the Audience AU-24, Audioquest Columbia and Harmonic Tech truth links. The liquid Air is by far the smoothest and has the best prat. I would eventually like to replace all my cables with ... 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
There are alot of great points on this subject. I just spent 30 minutes reading them. Now let me give you my opinion. I grew up with a father that was a musician and I was exposed to all kinds of music as a child. I had my first audio system when ... 
Replacements for Dynaudio Floorstanders
I used to have Dynaudio 1.8's going through a Krell amp and a Audio research pre-amp. The sound was tight, smooth and never harsh. The difference is I was running a full blown analog set-up. When I ran digital it was another story. I'm currently r...