
Responses from taters

Speaker Upgrade
Xt16,I recently purchased a pair of C-1's and I think they are really great speakers. Do you use a sub with them? 
Speaker Upgrade
Xt16,What signatures did you get? 
Speaker Upgrade
Take up the dealers time. It's pay back for the 80's when the dealers would not give you the time of day unless you drove a Mercedes. 
Best Stand for Harbeth 7ES-3 Compact
My Harbeth dealer only uses Sound anchor stands and he is the #1 selling Harbeth dealer in the country. To me that says it all. 
ARC LS-27 or ARC ref-3
I'm trying to get my local dealer to loan be an Ls-27. I might just take a shot and buy a Ref-3 here on Audiogon. I'm sure I can always get my cash back if I don't like it. 
Best Stand for Harbeth 7ES-3 Compact
I have been told that the Skylan is made in China. 
Venture Audio Speakers
I have heard the Wilson's at Berdan and I have heard the Magico at Weinhart. Both sound like hi-fi to me. I'm going to give Mike a call on monday an audition a pair of Ventures. I want to see what all the fuss is about. 
  Audio Magic Clairvoyant Liquid Air AC cable
I'm going to move up to the 1000.00 IC'S. They will be running from my source to a phono-pre. 
Fusion Audio Romance series cables
I recently recieved a pair of Romance 2 interconnects for a demo. I had read about them on this website and talked to Eric Love the designer of these cables. I have tried alot of cables in my system as of late. Audioquest, Cardas, Harmonic tech, A... 
Audience customer service...A+
They sent me cables to audition and didn't even ask for a deposit. My local dealer wanted to charge 2000.00 on a credit card before I could try them. For now on I am going to try and deal with companies that make their own product and not retailers. 
  Audio Magic Clairvoyant Liquid Air AC cable
I have the entry level Interconnect that retails for 400.00. I compared it to Audioquest Columbia, Cardas golden Reference, Audience au-24e. All these cables are double the price of the Liquid Air. 
  Audio Magic Clairvoyant Liquid Air AC cable
I have never heard the Clairvoyant but I do have the Audio Magic liquid cables and they are the best cables I have ever had in my system. I have had cables that cost 2 times as much and they can't compete. 
accuphase compare to mcintosh
Does Fm acoustics, boulder, Rowland research, Ayre and Pass use NASA grade parts. 
One of my closest friends is gone.
He owned Brooks Berdan in Monrovia Ca. The store has been around over 20 years. Brooks was an analog guru. He probably knew more about Turntables than anyone in the world. I believe he has a collection of over 300 vintage TT. He was a very nice ma... 
One of my closest friends is gone.
That's really sad. He has always helped me out with my analog rig. I will miss him.