
Responses from taters

David Wilson must be a little annoyed...
How annoyed can he be,the guy drives a Ferrari! 
Why are dealers so scared to sell product out of
Rsf507,Name the city where you get 15 to 25 percent off? 
Why are dealers so scared to sell product out of
Tmsorosk,In what city are they offering 15 to 20 percent off without you asking for a discount. 
Dynaudio C1 and Pass amp
Let me get this straight. You guys are saying a 30 watt amp is driving C-1's to a loud volume? I find that hard to believe. I'm driving C-1's with a 90lb 100 watt tube amp and I feel I don't have enough power. 
Why are dealers so scared to sell product out of
Sksos1, So you are telling us that a product that cost 10, 880 sells for 38,880? Wow! No wonder the dealers around here are driving Ferrari's, Porsche's and Bentley's. 
White Van Speakers ?
I haven't seen that scam since the 80's. I wonder if it still exists. 
Is there really a need for panel speakers in 2012
Rlwainwright, For the most part the people on this site have a higher Intelligence level than the people on AA. People here appreciate Intelligent conversation without being sarcastic. (Mostly what you find on AA) 
Is there really a need for panel speakers in 2012
Shakydeal, Just because the people on AA don't like my questions doesn't mean the people here won't. I've been here for 10 years and have 100% perfect feedback! 
Is there really a need for panel speakers in 2012
I should of been more clear. I meant what's the point of having big panels in you're house taking up space when a box speaker will sound just as good, maybe better 
Dynaudio C1 and Pass amp
I'm running a 100 watt tube amp with my C-1's and I would not want less power. I personally like the sound of dynaudio speakers with tube gear over solid state. 
Why are dealers so scared to sell product out of
Br3098,I'm not just trying to save the sales tax. I'm also looking for a discount. 
Why are dealers so scared to sell product out of
Br-3098,I recently bought an expensive pre-amp without ever hearing it. The price was right and I figured if I didn't like it I could sell it on the Gon for what I paid or a few dollars less.There are a lot of repair shops in Southern California a... 
the viability of hi end companies
Nonoise, Elliot hasn't hosted a meeting in over a year. I haven't talked to him lately so I don't know what's going on with him. I have purchased gear from him in the past and he has always been very nice. I'm not very Impressed with Shelleys. The... 
the viability of hi end companies
I never figure out how they survive. I was just at a big audio banquet with about 400 people. This was for an audio club but most of the people there were manufacterers and distributors. When I asked a retailer at the show why doesn't he ever host... 
Audiophile 'Attitude'
I also had an experience with David Weinhard. This was about 10 years ago when he owned Ambrosia. I was looking for a tube amp and he told me that tubes were garbage and that I should come aboard the 21 century. I recently looked at his website an...