
Responses from taras22

New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
Took the latest addition to the Double Double family, the Double Double Ultra out for a spin. Well oooo-weee-baby !....we thought the original Double Double was a wicked ride....but the new addition is much more seriously wicked....all the thrills... 
Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic
@stringreen Audible is actually a bit of an understatement. Its easily comparable to an amp or pre-amp change sort of difference. In fact the level of improvement it brings to the table makes it a most effective cable nay-sayer-slayer.  
Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic
@ jayctoyHave to concur, the results are quite spectacular with the use of two cable sets connected with splitters, and even more so when we terminated two cable assemblies into one plug to produce the Double Double.The sound stage in this configu... 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
You sure ? ....though you could well be right cause I’m not too good with numbers, especially when youse gots to translate from Metric to Imperial eh. 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
Which I think is about $12.95(USD) isn't it ? 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
The following was suggested by a friend as a very very good splitter possibility.Audio Sensibility, for those who aren’t aware, is another cable company, like Clarity, which makes great product, but doesn’t get enough much deserved respect/attenti... 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
What can I say, sounding mighty fine, and acquits itself well against the Reference Ne Plus Ultra.Will be tweaking the concept some next week and we’ll see if we can push the performance further. 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
Sorry but the session scheduled for yesterday is gonna happen a bit later today. Will post with impressions hopefully later tonight, at worst tomorrow. 
Must be a cultural/language thingee cause the math joke went seriously pear-shaped and may have landed in another solar system. 
@glupsonActually it wasn’t a waste....got to learn something....ranted a little ( not often you get to use gobbledygook eh ).....and as a bonus at the end had a giggle or two with Geoff....And as long as I have your undivided attention there is on... 
Thank you for your concern but not to worry, I always use the premium HAZMAT suit, the one that is armour-plated and tin-foil lined ( this is not my first encounter with a vortex....so I gots some nous eh ).....and I just dusted off my old Phaser,... 
Nahhh, I believe the problem has been adequately solved, at least to my oh so humble satisfaction. We can now go back to our regularly scheduled programming.Btw thanks for the warning, but I was wearing a life-jacket, a full body HAZMAT suit, a Sc... 
@glupson So back to this statement you made earlier.... You are born listening .Which got me thinking, as I remembered a saying that I believe is quite germane to the discussion. The saying goes something like this " you hear with your ears, and ... 
@ glupson Hmmmm, now when you asked....That tractate above was a response to a few posts that dealt with "skilled listener" theory/practice. It somehow evolved. I apologize. A tractate ? You needlessly flatter yourself and are in danger of destr... 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
So here is an update on the Double Double. I guess the first thing to say is the burn-in seems to have taken much longer than usual ( or it might just be that we have followed it much longer than usual because we are really curious and hearing cha...