
Responses from taras22

New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
Not to worry, the CT Matrix cables are superior sounding in my system.   .....geez, to put this into a proper perspective you are comparing a $1250 cable and a $500 cable straight up ?....well for 2 1/2 times the price it should, at the very le... 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
@t_ramey ...Will have a chat with Ken and see what we can do. 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
@t_ramey ....Much sorries, but the economics of the situation ( the GC is priced as a direct sale item and the margins are quite thin ) really don't allow for a straight-up trade in ( I'm assuming here that a straight-up trade is what you are aski... 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
@in_shore ...Truth be known the Kronon, which is one of our new cables, is the direct result of an attempt to revise the Splash. We started revising and by the time we were done we had created something that  sounded much better but unfortunately ... 
Opening a can of worms
....yeah, also referred to as The Aristotelian Fallacy....which some see as a major tenet in the science as religion/the absolute truth movement...also see Russell’s Paradox which plays on the same theme...or as Bateson said, " the name is not the... 
Opening a can of worms
...@blindjim....brilliant and much much fun.......@kosst_amojan....the map is not the territory.... 
Audiophiles should learn from people who created audio
....damn that should be included on every page of this forum....gawd that was funny and dead nuts on.... was unfortunately was drinking coffee while reading that post....oh well, was well worth it.... 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
@janehamble ....admittedly, yes, there is that fine line, and yes, we have some very enthusiastic and supportive "fans" ...we, at TEO proper, try to keep it as "straight" as we can ( but we can also be pretty enthusiastic as well ) but sometimes w... 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
....I love the smell of boiled potatoes in the morning ( or early evening )....it smells like victory.... 
Opening a can of worms
....and under all you can now include a new cable serving from TEO Audio....inspired by non-other than our very own mashedpotato-11 (a.k.a. randy-11 ) we are going cook up a new series of cables filled with our own special , you guessed it, mashed... 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
....no worries spud, certified medically safe, and just need soap and water clean-up for the bowl..... 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
....sadly I neglected that crucial step....no soup for me.....darn!.... 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
....am waiting, as I’m sure everybody else is here, for a thread discussing which type of potato is best for a tuber preamp.........me, being a homer, I’ll go with Yukon Golds....and I’m going to go on a limb here and guess that our dear randy pro... 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
....word of advice, when in a hole stop digging....and btw more than one face-plant a day may have lasting negative effect on your health...so maybe time to ease off eh.... 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
...yeah ain’t projection grand....yup, that’s our dear randy-11, right as rain yet once again ( must be tough to be so dead nuts on like all the time....well except for this epic face-plant.. ).....as Ken says that was just me blundering about bli...