
Responses from taras22

Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
I’ll take alien abduction for a $100 Geoff. 
Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic
@jaytoy" I can’t imagine a conjoin Teo Jr, how good it will be.... "Well it does sound very very good, especially against other cable combinations. This probably in part due to its ability to handle the one big problem the doubling of cable assemb... 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
@prof " Do we just accept that any hypothesis can be floated, and then decided by appeal to subjective impressions? "Uhhhh, no. But throwing around claims gleaned from the application of half-baked and mis-applied protocols isn't the answer eithe... 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
Well said, and drives directly to the nub of the problem of embracing the idea of using double blind tests without some real solid scientific rigour. Read, you can’t wrap yourself in the cloak of science and use a testing system that lacks an abso... 
Have had the opportunity, and pleasure, of using AntiCable speaker cables. Bottom line, they are a darn good cable, especially at the asking price, highly recommended. 
Not only does humidity affect equipment but humidity, and temperature, also affect the acoustic envelop in your listening space ( a 10% swing can dramatically change the reverberation field by messing with the response of the higher frequencies wh... 
Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic
@tuffy72561We have done several direct comparisons between a Double Double and a corresponding system using splitters and in each case the Double Double configuration simply smoked/obliterated/crushed the splitter option in every way possible ( li... 
Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic
Yes-sur-ee-Bob eh, and the other a short form used when ordering a coffee with double cream double sugar @ your local Timmies ( generally pronounced dbldbl ). 
Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic
Wouldn’t worry a bit....we are sort of borrowing it too, kinda ....its a play on a Canadianism that has attained a level alongside eh for its ubiquity and hurry hard for its uniqueness. 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
@ tuffy72561 The cable is available now ( we just haven’t put up an ad up yet ). As is an Ultra Plus version btw.And the summer ? Madness, just madness! Lots of time on the bike, our canoe, and last but most certainly not least, the lawn tractor. ... 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
@ tuffy72561As good as the Ultra Plus ( yes a new cable, an upgraded Ultra ) was using the splitters, the Double Double Ultra just does everything better. Wish I could be more specific but it simply is better in every aspect...faster....cleaner...... 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
And now back to our regularly scheduled programming ? 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
@d2girlsApology accepted and thank you for that and one offered for my part in that dust storm.And posts deleted as well. 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
Gawd, where is the army of eye-rolling emoji  marching past the grandstand saluting Gen Geoff when you need them !? 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
Took the latest addition to the Double Double family, the Double Double Ultra out for a spin. Well oooo-weee-baby !....we thought the original Double Double was a wicked ride....but the new addition is much more seriously wicked....all the thrills...