
Responses from taras22

KLE Innovations Silver HarmonyRCA's - not silver eh?
We at TEO Audio have been using KLE plugs for quite some time and we are very very happy with them. Their performance always punches well above their respective price-points, and batch to batch consistency is spot on. The company is most helpful a... 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
@wig The special arrangement that I would recommend is not try it with two different brands. It may well work or it may produce an oscillation not unlike the one that we had when we tried this very thing way back way ( our guess as to the cause of... 
Cable Snake Oil Antidote
@ geoffkaitNice one.... 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
@ beethoven-5Well, the GC II has a noticeably lower noise floor and as a result lets more of the sonic picture come through. But in terms of attack and initial decay the GC jr is pretty close to the GC II.It would be roughly analogous to a compa... 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
A huge shout out to everyone who came to our room at AXPONA to say hi.....was great to see everyone and really appreciated the kind words.Thank you thank you thank you.Taras 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
@jayctoy Whoops....forgot to ask, what day(s) are thinking of attending ? 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
@jayctoy  If by chance I'm not in the room just ask Hugh or Tom for my number and I'll head back. And dinner/lunch sounds grand. 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
@jayctoy ... Hopefully be seeing you at AXPONA. We are teamed with  some amazing audio from Triangle Art and Angel City Audio. It should be sounding mighty mighty fine. Really looking forward to a great show and meeting folks we have touched base ... 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
@ celander All have what you call an aperture though our design is a novel interpretation of the generic ABH type.....and yes we have a patent on that design....Cheers  
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
@ genjamonThe price of a TEO Audio Ultra cable pair is $1099 (USD).Taras  
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
@ simguyUnfortunately we don't at present have a GC2 based balanced cable....finding a plug has been a big part of the problem....and to be honest we haven't really bought into the need for balanced ( save to simply serve a market )...we also feel... 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
@in_shore Our latest round of cable tinkering was supposed to produce a revised Splash.....well, long story short, the tinkering produced what has become the Kronon, which a friend, upon first listen, called an OMG cable ( which, granted, is a bit... 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
@jayctoy We were thinking of having some of the new Ultra's and the Kronon's at the show....but nothing is set in stone and the situation is still pretty fluid ....will post about any changes as show time approaches. Are you looking for any specif... 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
@ t_ramey .....very sorry for not getting back to you earlier....the bottom line is the GC was originally conceived as a direct sale product whose main purpose was to introduce TEO Audio to a larger audience and to make this happen we cut our mar... 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
@jayctoy ....as a matter of fact we will be there, we'll be sharing a room with Triangle Art and Angel City Audio ( Rm 610 )....please come knocking....looking forward to shaking your hand and having a chat....