
Responses from taras22

Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
"What is a robust test?Robustness testing has also been used to describe the process of verifying the robustness (i.e. correctness) of test cases in a test process. ANSI and IEEE have defined robustness as the degree to which a system or component... 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
Speaking of ABX testing. Interesting result, very interesting.----------------------------------------------------------------I had a long conversation during the show with Thorsten Loesch of Abbington Musical Research and IFI. He told me a fascin... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
What can I say, after listening to Clarity cables on several occasions ( as opposed to, say, just looking at them on the interwebs ) can confirm that, to my ear at least, they are great sounding cables that "punch" way above their price point.And ... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
@d2girls " teo audio speaker cables, starting $22,000 USD 6ft / pairhis reference interconnects available starting at around $11,000 USDgood luck finding where he even manufactures them, dont think its canada, his address on his site leads to a po... 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
" Mr. Jeavons said I liked maths because it was safe. He said I liked maths because it meant solving problems, and those problems were difficult and interesting but there was always a straightforward answer at the end. And what he meant was that... 
Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic
Yeah, no Lenz's law issues which can really mess up cable performance.And hope your build works out and meets your expectations. 
Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic
Well it most certainly is the right tool to put the flat-earthers back on their heels ( at least the ones who claim that cables couldn’t possibly make a difference ). Unfortunately the measurement chapter still has a bone to gnaw on since the meas... 
Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic
Sorry to disagree but the TEO cables are not shielded ( btw we are very much in the non-shielded camp ) and they work quite wonderfully in both the splitter way to produce a double IC and the co-joined method ( our Double Double series ).   
Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic
@ mr_m Actually such cables have been made in the past ( TEO Audio made examples of this design several years ago and Bob Smith mentions making a very successful one one in the comments attached to the Dagogo article that introduced the Schroeder ... 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
@profSo short answer, no measurements. I’m simply crushed.So we have to rely on the dreaded anecdotal.  
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
@prof" Using my current Thiel 2.7 speakers this is true, but it was eve more true with my bigger 3.7 speakers. I could go to my friend’s place, listen to a system using $50,000 of Nordost cable and come home to bass reproduction that easily surpas... 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
Yeah, because I had a great deal of previous experience with that cable. Yesterday was just a re-visit to re-confirm.And btw very sorry if that seemed like an insult to your cables of choice. In my defense I just didn’t know. 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
@NonoiseMy pleasure, and btw your comments started the ball rolling on that deluge of verbiage, and then that listening session I mentioned earlier kicked it into overdrive.Its funny, that "mystery" cable was not bad at all, in fact it had a very ... 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
@prof "May I ask (just in case you were serious): How in the world do you think a cable could cause "one note bass?"  (That is a cable that wasn't flat out defective)."Seems we may have gotten to a " the rub " moment. So here is the thing, a no... 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
@prof" Admittedly with the lack of seriousness in the thread, combined with many of the weird things claimed in the audiophile domain, we can get in to a Poe’s Law situation.. "Gotta say that is a very odd thing for a fundamentalist to bring up.