
Responses from taras22

The Science of Cables
Whoops, forgot this wee bit. I would argue that on a slightly handwaving way, you can study "electricity" using classical physics. After all, much of it can be understood through Maxwell's equations. However, if you do this, you simply have to co... 
The Science of Cables
A couple of things when considering the cable building thingee. The LCR wire model is applicable only with air as a dielectric. Makes perfect sense in that application. Once that wire is encapsulated in varnish, enamel, lacquer or dielectrics o... 
KLE RCA plugs are the real deal!!
Sorry to interject but would like to post the following......TEO Audio, at one point, used the ETI plug in several of our cables but have since switched to KLE because we felt that it was a much better sounding plug. 
Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic
For what its worth have used our cables with Red Dragon amps and had no trouble. 
Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic
@shkong78  then the geometry of cable making is making less sense.Another way of looking at this is to say the commonly agreed methods of making cable upon is making less sense, that is, the methods that are based on the use of hard metals ( cop... 
New $24,000 inter-connect
Hmmmm.....Petrus cables, never heard of them ....who makes them?....and are they expensive? 
Pro v Audiophile - Science v Snake Oil?
@geoffkait And you can add Terry Gilliam to the list as well. 
Pro v Audiophile - Science v Snake Oil?
@cd318Funny you would bring up Barry Diament. Remember not too long ago when Mr Diament made an appearance on another audiophile forum. After some extended attempts at trying to speak truth to bs on several topics he was quite familiar with, inclu... 
Pro v Audiophile - Science v Snake Oil?
@cd318 I imagine Film and TV studios would place a high priority on performance and reliability simply because of the huge recording and production costs. Time is big money indeed, and unreliable products get very short shrift Sadly this idea of ... 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
Yes, "continuous stream of development" pretty well nails it. Ken and I are both unrepentant tinkerers who are always finding new ways to do things, and finding new materials to improve product. We have a literal mountain of cables that were part ... 
New $24,000 inter-connect
@jhills @taras22Wow! you’d think that someone who was smart enough to know a bit about history would be smart enough to build a legitimate set of cables that didn’t pilfer some poor, or should I say rich fool out of $22K for a bogus set of cables... 
New $24,000 inter-connect
Hence my attempt at a dumb late 70’s style response........that being said, putting the passage in quotation marks would have helped those not aware of the reference ( 'cause strictly speaking the way the post is constructed that passage is in the... 
Reasonable RCA Connectors?
We ( TEO Audio ) are very happy with the performance of the KLE plugs....and agree, the WBT which we also use, are significantly better, but much more expensive. Both highly recommended. 
New $24,000 inter-connect
n80924 posts12-14-2018 8:53am" I believe the title of this post will be the title of the history book that chronicles the great societal uprising and revolution."I totally agree. Let’s start it now. There are a lot more of us in the $1000 interco... 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
@ vfrpilotWe are also pretty excited by the results, To answer your query, our newest cable offering has the same basic sound signature but is much more along the lines of an Ultra level of performance/refinement than that of the GC11 ( on whose w...