
Responses from tablejockey

Convincing your local dealer to let you try speakers at home
Unless your own place resembles an open warehouse, that place doesn't look like an ideal place to hear speakers. Simply ask them and if they refuse, find a dealer who will. Your willingness to spend that amount of money qualifies you.  
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)
"but the xover, and wires and push on connectors and input connectors are just ordinary Chinese good parts" ricevs caught what I suspected. Just a matter of time until GR Research has a customer bring in a pair for Danny to give his impression o... 
New Mercury Living Presence Mastering
Reissues are for the period album that has become unobtanium. I happily listen thru a period press with a tick/stitch than thru a noise free,sanitized essentially CD pressed to an LP. May as well listen to the CD/file.  Reissue quality is a hit... 
New phono stage from SOTA
A $500 phonostage designed to STAND OUT among the many choices seems like a difficult task. From the article- "We tested this against many phonostages that cost $150.00-$24,000.00 within a variety of environments with as many types of equipment ... 
I feel so inadequate after seeing this guy.
Huell Howser's  PBS "California's Gold" show was a great way to get ideas for a "what to see/do" in the used to be great state of California. I've seen that segment when it originally aired.   
Help me understand cartridge alignment
"It's sounds awesome." "The thing is, I don't have the right headshell for the SL15 yet so it can only line up like 5MM short on the Feickert." I use the Feickert jig. Baerwald pushes the cart the most forward of the 3 alignments. At least you c... 
Turntable Troubles - ProJect X2B vs Rega 6 w Kiseki Cartridge
 "Rega 6 w an upgraded Kiseki Blue" Have you heard that setup? If it sounds good to you, that's great, but likely you can find a combination of a Rega with a Rega cart for a LOT less. That's an odd pairing-a $2500 MC cartridge on a $1900 table w... 
Rega Planar 3: Is the Exact a significant upgrade from the Elys 2?
As you can see-yes, no, maybe. Asking about Rega and certain other popular brands that have stood the test of time always gets the same results. Buy it-if your budget permits. I'd go new w/Exact. That's just me. The differences in subjective op... 
Sound Dynamics 300Ti Loudspakers Value
They may be great sounding speakers, however  factors(age, comparable models available and shipping) should keep your expectations in check. Sound Dynamic 300TI | Reverb    
McIntosh Announces Mc451 Dual Mono Power Amplifier
"Lots of Mac haters here and I can’t wait to read the comments, always a fun read" Stereo5-  I don't understand the Mac bashing. They will  be around as long as there are  listeners, unlike many of those boutique companies. My guess is it would... 
McIntosh Announces Mc451 Dual Mono Power Amplifier
Interesting concept. If you’re into true bi amping, it will at least spare you the hassle of separate amp matching, and keep things UNDER $30K for a pair. You get the magic of tubes for the mid/highs and SS for the bass. The only thing about Ma... 
I could not agree more ..
Somewhere between hard data, tweaky audiophoolery nonsense and one's own hearing, lies audio nirvana. The goal is to find it before you run out of time-both physically and mentally.  
I could not agree more ..
No surprises/revelations here... I use gear/speakers that are ho-hum on white paper, and get bashed on audio forums, but to my ears (which also have heard "near perfect") they do the same thing-entertain the senses. The secret is playing music t... 
VPI turntables
'I'm looking at these models as they are currently on sale in the $3500 range I'm also willing to look at used tables.' This listing is in meets your requirements, and unlike the other link is available to ship. VPI Prime Turntable Reduced Price... 
VPI turntables
Asking for VPI advice can go sideways pretty quick. You’re either gonna get those who will suggest something completely outside of your question, or a reply reminding you how the VPI design is flawed and then a recommendation for a design that is...