
Responses from tablejockey

QSA Power Jitter Power Conditioner, anyone tried it?
Just looking at the site is embarrassing and makes me ashamed to be an audio enthusiast. The guy who "engineered/designed" those fancy cheater plugs made in China is a genius. OH I forgot-YMMV    
MC cartridge upgrade for a Schiit Sol (Denon dl-103r) help!
For the level of gear  you have,  consider spending $400 for a Soundsmith  Otello moving iron cart. It will be compatible with your existing phonostage and give you a taste of what nicer cartridges can do- MM or MC. I wouldn't spend much on a ca... 
Why do my rolling stones albums sound bad?
Nothing has changed in the 10 years this thread started or since  a particular album mentioned was released. Rolling Stones and most R&R LP's are meant to enjoyed for the musical content, certainly not "audiophile" SQ standards. Only require... 
Found some new music, just sharing
this an audio internet forum... just a lame attempt at being lighthearted. No harm-no foul. Carry on.  
Found some new music, just sharing
 "but I really posted this because it is a very good recording. Clean, very detailed. Soundstage is decent, bass is tight and abundant." Oh dear, I didn't respond precisely as you desired...sigh (560) Well, excuse me.mpg - YouTube    
Found some new music, just sharing
I read about Todd in a guitar mag awhile back. Unique for sure. Like putting Michael Hedges, John McLaughlin(as he mentioned one of his inpirations) and Pat Matheny in a blender and you get...Todd Mosby.  
Instrumentalists you can recognize after 6 bars..?
How the heck did you arrive on 6 bars? 6 bars? That's and odd marker. Some guitar players are distinguishable in less than 10 notes? All in the tone/phrasing. Jazz--Wes Montgomery, Grant Green, Barney Kessel Blues-The 3 Kings, T-Bone Walker, Bu... 
TechDAS Reliability vs SME
What a wonderful quandary to be in. I'm stuck with hamburger.    
KT 150 failure
" Almost went with HP, but being retired, the cost of 8 tubes steered me to the Dialogue Premium" I'm rounding 3rd base towards retiring. PL seems to fit retirement lifestyle-just turn it on and enjoy.  Excellent "base" to use better than averag... 
KT 150 failure
A microphonic or futzy  tube is part of tube ownership. I've been pretty fortunate with my PL't tube consumption. NOS  US power tubes held up with 6 years of heavy use and had 2 PL branded Chinese EL34's go after couple years of moderate use. I ... 
Andy Kim - Needle Clinic
I've yet to see any mention of using Andy's own NC-1? He had a batch made and was offering them couple years ago? I passed when he offered one when I got the news a cart wasn't repairable. Limited Production: The Needle Clinic NC-1 is limited to... 
Is it worth to get 2 m Nodorst vs 1m
'you hit on the audiophile neurotic FOMO thing." bossa-at least you have self awarness of the affliction! I have had the mighty Odin II & Valhall II in place of Heimdall II in my setup... My setup isn't at the level their intended for(or ma... 
Is it worth to get 2 m Nodorst vs 1m
The reasons for yes or no should be a good read. I have read "facts" on both short/long. Nordost user here.  
The ”sweetspot” in the Nordost line of cables
"Would Shunyata Alpha be a better match than the Nordost Leif cables?" Your ears should be the only one to tell you that, certainly not anyone here. Only the power cable incorporates construction principles of the upper levels. That said, it is ... 
The ”sweetspot” in the Nordost line of cables
Find a dealer that can loan you the dealer demo cables. I have demoed Odin II to Blue Heaven in my setup.  With my level of setup-H2 from the wall to speakers.  Personal cable reviews are just that, and not what you may experience. In some loca...