

Responses from swampwalker

Best budget DAC
I've been happy w the MyDAC.  It accepts up to 24/192 resolution on coax and USB, and 24/96 on toslink.   
In Memory of Glenn Frey...Favorite Eagles song?
Oh my. Impossible to pick a favorite.  I about wore out "On the Border" and "Hotel California".   
Help with picking the right phono pre for the rest of my system please!
If you are going to spend that much more than you stated in your OP, then I'd strongly recommend you consider the Doshi.   
Standard output voltage for RCA line-outs DAC/CD/Streamers, etc?
Not sure there really is a standard, esp. w respect to DACs.  As I understand it, traditionally, line level for consumer equipment is typically about 0.5-1 volt.   
Where did you sink the most cash into?
The most expensive piece I own is my pre-amp.  Most expensive new or used (as I bought it).  My speakers are DIY bought used, but given the cost and relative rarity of the drivers, they would be the most expensive piece to replace if I had to buil... 
Need small size speakers for fireplace.
If they are for TV/movie sound, I am going to go to a slightly different place.  IMO, sight pretty much trumps sound in that scenario.  I'd suggest saving some big $$ and going w NHT Super zeros (plenty on the used market) or the small Paradigms o... 
Going to rip 2000 cds. Which software?
Give Neal Van Berg @ Sound Science a call.  He sets up his MusicVault servers to be pretty much plug'n'play and can recommend the version that's most appropriate for your needs.  He'll even long on to your machine to help you through any problems ... 
MC Cart and pre amp question
Cannot find any specs on line but an HOMC should play just fine since the output should be very similar to most MM carts. With respect to MI carts, some of the Soundsmith carts have low enough output (0.4mv) that you would probably need a step up,... 
Proportion of expenses
I am not going to argue w anyone who wants to spend thousands on cables, but IMO, start out w decent, neutral, used interconnects and speaker wires.  There is a huge mark-up/depreciation on them, and unless they are poorly made or poorly designed,... 
Proportion of expenses
Good thoughts above. The speaker/amp interaction is perhaps the most critical, and since speakers do vary much more in their presentation than amps, I’d suggest starting with speakers and then choosing an amp based on their demands/requirements. T... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
@dgarretson- I've had a MusicVault (or more correctly) MusicVaults for about 5 years.  Worked my way up through the line to a Pearl or Emerald(or maybe a hybrid, I can't remember).  Anyways I'm very happy w it.  I heard the Antipodes once in a tot... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
@dgarretson- I've had a MusicVault (or more correctly) MusicVaults for about 5 years.  Worked my way up through the line to a Pearl or Emerald(or maybe a hybrid, I can't remember).  Anyways I'm very happy w it.  I heard the Antipodes once in a tot... 
If you won the power ball tomorrow night would you
Whatever you’re doing now will be converted to keeping track of the money.That's why god invented money managers ;-)  I bet I could get my financial adviser to give me a discount!  Even at 1/10 of a basis point, that would be close to $1M/year in ... 
Technical Question - Tube Preamp
You will need some kind of DAC.  Although not common there are a few tube pre-amps w on-board DAC, including Monarchy M24, Jolida (several) and Peachtree Nova.  There are undoubtedly others, or you could go w a separate tube pre-amp and DAC.     
If you won the power ball tomorrow night would you
devilboy-That didn't work out so good for Lamar Odom, but it's your a$$.