

Responses from swampwalker

Simple question, best sounding inexpensive DAC.
HRT MusicStreamer 2+ and Micromega MyDac are 2 good choices. 
DVD-Audio Mint Condition Collection....
I'd be interested as well. em ess klein52at comcastdot net.Or PM me. 
Best near wall high end speaker
Stacked "The Clues" at 2K? 
Ideal Cheap Low-Watt Amp for Martin Logan Quest
Don't the M-Ls require power to operate as well? Seems like you are working at cross purposes. You've got a speaker that uses juice, that needs a moderately high powered amp to sound decent. If it were me, I'd go the low power integrated route w a... 
Calling all SET fans
YW, Schubert. Two watts normally would make no discernible difference but that's a 33% increase, so maybe so. IIRC, Atmasphere has pointed out that very important to get adequate power w an SET amp because because their distortion rises very rapid... 
Calling all SET fans
Oh, also the Omega line. 
Calling all SET fans
I've never heard the Tektons but for chamber music, which implies less dynamic range than full orchestral pieces, I think the Ref 3a monitors deserve a serious look. With no real "crossover", they put most of the wattage to work. I would also look... 
Shipping damage
"plastic peanuts, which simply move out of the way when pushed."+1000 on that, Bdp24. Tightly packed peanuts are good between an inner and outer box, but are totally useless at protecting something that is much denser than they are, which will mov... 
Open Baffle Convert
I'm a relatively recent convert to OB speakers. Mine use a 5" field coil drivers w coax whizzer and a pair of 12" subs. Love 'em. 
Shipping damage becoming a real issue
If it looks damaged it probably is. Anyway, I'd not take any chances and refuse it. 
Artists that use the same song structure...
Martykl- I should know better than to criticize someone w the good taste to recognize Mr. Douglas' skill.Schubert- The people who laugh at Dolly do so, imo, by judging her w their eyes, not their ears. Although I will admit that when she goes too ... 
record storage question
IMO, w/o any real data or calculations to support I'm thinking that unless you live in Antarctica, you can store your records on an outside wall w/o fear of any damage due to cold. I really don't think you need to paste cardboard on your walls. No... 
Artists that use the same song structure...
"Bluegrass is full of spectacular guitarists."And vocalists- Alison Krauss being only the most well known; there's also EmmyLou Harris and Dolly Parton (don't laugh, listen to some of her real bluegrass stuff). As for players, how about Mark O'Con... 
Amp for stereo subs
Thx, guys. I ordered the Crown and will report back. 
Easy, peasy. Send me 10 payments of $1000 each and I personally guarantee that I will deliver the cash to the seller. Promise ;-)