

Responses from swampwalker

TT motor variable speed or digital tachometers not precise?
There are several threads that address this issue.  In general I would not rely to heavily on an inexpensive chinese digital product in terms of either accuracy or precision.   
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
+1 to charles and raquel.  Very well said, esp. raquel's carefully reasoned and extremely well written analysis.  Perhaps the best post of the year, IMO.   
Headphone question
+1 mapman  its been a long time since i owned them but my recollection is that if anything, the SR-60s are a little bit hot compared to the Grados.   
Dodgy - Audio dealers?
Two thoughts:If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.Trust your gut. 
Forgive my ignorance (vintage amp input question)...
Tony- Disc 1 and 2 are phono inputs. As such, they will provide a much higher level of gain than you should need, which may or may not be a problem in your particular set-up, but they also will overload easily with a line level signal (particularl... 
Anyone hear Dynaudio subwoofers
Thanks, CT for thinking of me.  As of now, I am running active bi-amplified OB speakers w 2, 10" woofers on each baffle, driven my 200 wpc crown class 2 amp.  Haven't cheked it out w pipe organ, but no sub needed for any other use, IMO.  But I app... 
Can I hook up a headphone amp to my integrated?
Pre-amp line out. 
Did you hear Adele at the Grammy's?
+1 jextpro 
Did you hear Adele at the Grammy's?
There was definitely a technical problem. The sound cut out for a few seconds and then I could hear something in the background.  It was obvious she was distracted.   
Sellers Beware!!!
Just to be clear, I, too, have had successful sales to overseas buyers.  You have to use your head.  Not likely that someone is going to pay $$$ to ship big, heavy, fragile items around the world.  As others have said, there are lots of red flag i... 
Phono pre "Break-In" process? Necessary?
r_f:  Things have changed; the s/n ratio has gone down and the THD has gone up!  Oh, well, it still beats FOX News ;-) 
what kind of amp. are good for b&w 802d that will not cost my arm and legs?
The 802ds are very good speakers that will benefit greatly from a better amplifier than is in the Yamaha.  Ditto w speaker wires.   For wires and interconnects, stay away from Best Buy; that kind of stuff is their biggest mark-up item.  Best if yo... 
Amps which are Great, but either Unknown or Underpriced
Electra-print EL-34 SET.   
I'm very sorry for your loss, Michelle. If your husband had his system posted here on Audiogon, we can look at it to give you some idea about its value.  Or you can actually message individual members by looking them up and sending them the system... 
Sellers Beware!!!
"Paypal would be the best payment alternative for selling to someone overseas. That way the funds are in a escrow type account with paypal and there shouldn't be an issue."Read the horror stories from folks on this site and elsewhere about payp...