

Responses from swampwalker

Andra Day !
She has a great voice.  The commercial was one of the only holiday pull your heartstrings type that I didn't immediately mute.   Thanks for the link.   
If you won the power ball tomorrow night would you
1.  Retire2.  Retire3.  Retire!!!!Can you sense a theme, here? 
Integrating a new turntable into existing system and having sound quality problems...
I'm really glad that it's all good, but hard to see how poor tracking could result in noise with no album playing. 
Hearing loss and audio reviewers ? READ ON
^^^ Oh gawd ... and now comes the wrath of the Music Hall table guys. :>)Roy would probably offer you a wee dram.   
Hearing loss and audio reviewers ? READ ON
Probably the Scotch.  Or maybe the Jamison.  If you've got a Music Hall 'table, it's the Scotch ;-) 
I've narrowed it down but...
If your primary use is for video, I'm not so sure that ultimate sound quality is all that important for a couple of reasons- first, I think we are primarily visual animals and so the video quality dominates our sensory expericne.  Second, I don't ... 
Integrating a new turntable into existing system and having sound quality problems...
It "sounds" to me like either the L RCA jack out from the table or the L interconnect is bad.  However, one final thing you could try is to ground the phono box to the integrated, so that there is a continuous ground from the table to the integrat... 
Why are people always getting into pissing matches because they think what they have is better
And in the mine is better/bigger than yours, we now have this entry:https://d1c51ih66j7l74.cloudfront.net/api/file/shoCFWV0TKSeNrejd8oe/convert?cache=true&fit=max&a...Maybe when i retire I can have a second career as a cable wrangler?   
Integrating a new turntable into existing system and having sound quality problems...
Seems to me that you've isolated the problem to the left channel and w your #7 above, it's most likely a bad connection, but it could be an interconnect or a jack.  When you say you switched interconnects (#5) are you talking about those between t... 
How to tell if your dog is involved in a Sex scandle
OK, I'll bite, ebm.  How can you tell if you have a sick bird? 
Hearing loss and audio reviewers ? READ ON
Oregonpapa- To anyone who complains about the effects of aging, just reply- Yeah, man, I agree, getting old sucks.  The only thing worse is not getting old!Schubert- Interesting idea.  I know I f'd up my hearing due to the combined effects of rock... 
Help with picking the right phono pre for the rest of my system please!
If you are seriously considering a ZYX, Mehran may have a demo available. 
Vintage 1960s Pickering print ad
Try an ephemera dealer. 
Russian Tubes or Old "American" Tubes (built where ever)?
Brent Jesse and Jim McShane both reliable vendors.  Others swear by Andy at Vintage Tube Services.  As far as US brands, just beware that many companies like GE and RCA and Admiral etc., made tubes and also rebranded tubes from other manufacturers... 
Setting a price for Spica TC50s
Or at least w/o any significant operational defects.  If one of the drivers is damaged, the value would be largely for parts.  Actually, some have found that vintage speakers in particular, are more valuable if parted out.  Not that I'd advocate d...