

Responses from stringreen

Cartridge Limitations or Break In?
Whoops - I meant 40 hours - the written suggestion on both my Benz Ebony LP, and Ebony H. Sorry for the typo. "Nonsensical" seems a bit mean spirited to me 
Cartridge Suggestion for Scoutmaster / JMW-9 Sig.
I've been using a Benz Ebony..an H at first which was absolutely wonderful, and now an LP with my Superscoutmaster/JMW 9 Sig. The LP is breaking in so I can't attest to how it will fineally sound, however, the H made me smile and wow. It was so mu... 
Cartridge Limitations or Break In?
Don't take your cartridge seriously until after 400 hours. It is interesting to hear it change...and change it will. Sometimes it will sound better than it did before...sometimes worse. Sometimes it will have no bass, and sometimes too much bass. ... 
Burn CD-R from RAM or hard drive?
I've been using Nikturner920's method for years, and there is no difference that I can tell between the original and the copy. 
Grand Prix Monaco review in new Stereophile- OUCH
Resonance has a dramatic effect on everything. The improvement that the Gingko platform did for my Superscoutmaster was astonishing. I also allow all my electronics to roll as opposed to putting them on spikes or blocks. I know it makes little sen... 
New analog system disappoints, please help
First,I would check to see if the system is to your liking by playing a CD. Although CD's may not have the magic that vinyl can have, at least you will get a taste of your system. If you dont have a cd player just borrow one from your dealer. If t... 
Grado Sonata a good fit?
I had a Sonata in my Rega P25. I thought it was wonderful until I got my Benz Ebony H. No contest at all. The Grado sounded sandy, brown in color, and muffled in dynamics and soundstaging in contrast. 
Cartridge for older Thorens TD 165C
I dont think its your cartridge. I seem to remember having a Thorens with a Sure many years ago. (I'm thinking it was a TD 124, but I'm not sure). If footfalls are bothersome, put the turntable on a more stable table. You dont say what kind of dis... 
Two-Year-Olds and Turntables...
Gingko has just such a dust cover 
Has Anyone Removed & Replaced the VPI Arm
I ordered the 10.5i replacement for my 9incher about 3 weeks ago. I expect the exchange kit any day now..they said 3-4 weeks. Acturally, when I ordered the turntable, they said the same, but it was more like 7 or 8 weeks. I'll post as soon as I ge... 
Has Anyone Removed & Replaced the VPI Arm
Hi Chazzbo.. From what I get from your post, you say that the heavy platter will give me more bang for the buck than will a longer arm. My Superscoutmaster has the heavy platter, the new feet, the SDS, a Gingko dust cover which makes it look like ... 
Has Anyone Removed & Replaced the VPI Arm
..you mean aside from depleting the bank account? When I get the new one in, I'll tell you what differences I hear. ..and here's a hint. If you where glasses, remove them while listening. You will hear greater depth, air, etc. This doesn't apply i... 
Has Anyone Removed & Replaced the VPI Arm
Bravo!!!! Thanks 
Has Anyone Removed & Replaced the VPI Arm
Interesting, but without a bolt on the bottom to hold the arm tightly to the turntable itself, how does one remove the arm? Thanks 
Has Anyone Removed & Replaced the VPI Arm
That was my thought exactly, however, if you go to the VPI website, they are offering that particular upgrade. ( they mension it in big type right on their home page) When I talked to them, they said it was a very easy swap, and that the table did...