

Responses from stringreen

Move from Benz H20 to Denon DL301
You must know that the Ace comes in 3 colors and corresponding outputs. If you like the Ace call Musical Surroundings (the importer) and see if you can trade or change to an even higher quality cartridge. They have a very liberal trade up/exchange... 
An Audiophile Goal
My goal when I listen to music is to be moved by the music. Whether the system goes from 20-20000 hz. has nothing to do with it..as long as the system can reproduce the music in a musical way. A big problem with many systems is that not the big dy... 
Benz Ebony LP loading
I am using the 499 ohm resistor in the Ayre. After checking I noticed the cartridge was a cats whisker off of the exact setting of the overhang template. I can't believe that such a small correction could improve the sound so much! 
Good turntables w/o record clamps
Rega sounds better with no clamp 
VPI Super Platter
I was sent some of this super grease. It comes in what looks like a hypodermic needle type of plunger package. It has VPI written on it, but it is just a label, and am sure they get it elsewhere. If there is a difference when applied, it sure wasn... 
How do you download your LP's to your computer?
That USB table is availabe at Cosco. It looks like Matel Toy Co. made it. I personally wouldnt want to put my records on such a beast. 
VPI Super Platter
Contact VPI. Harry has a new lubricant. It looks like petroleum jelly, but he assures me its not. It did make positive changes in my Superscoutmaster 
Tube Tuners
I'm using a Fanfare FT1-A. I'm very happy with it. 
Turntable advise for an analog novice
I disagree with Williwanka. If I had the worst system in the world, amy upgrade would be noticeable. The final sound out of the speakers is the sum total of the whole system. 
rega planar 3 cart replacement...
I absolutely agree wth Jalance2069. I have an Expressimo VTA adjuster. The adjustment is infinite for the task - with the spacers you have only its setting. 
Considering going Vinyl--Please talk me out of it
I have an Ayre C-5xe which plays all silver discs. Let me tell you that DVD-A and/or SACD is very close to regular CD sound...sometimes not even as good. If the potential is there, I haven't found it. Vinyl overall is the best method to get the hi... 
Considering going Vinyl--Please talk me out of it
No Bucketjr...CD's sound very good indeed. Comparing my Ayre C5xe to my Superscoutmaster/10.5i/Benz Ebony LP, the CD sounds like there is a scrim in font of the performance. The difference is like regular tv to hi def 
VPI Super Platter
I think you have lead in your platter and therefore VPI was forced to change. That platter sounds very good though - don't put it in your mouth. The inverted bearing does make a difference..the thing that I would be interested in is the ring clamp... 
An Audiophile Goal
Those posts above are absolutely correct... Also, does one really want to hear a string quartet at Tina Turner levels? Even Tina sings softer or louder as the music dictates. The really good part of this is that although we may not have on/off swi... 
Considering going Vinyl--Please talk me out of it
Nope - Its a lot of fun... Not only do I like the quality of sound, but I really grove on my Rube Goldfarb looking VPI Superscoutmaster with all the wheels and pulleys. :)