

Responses from stringreen

How to flatten Vinyl Albums
I prefer round bottom babes... All my records are a flat as can be because I have a VPI Superscoutmaster with the periferal ring and center weight. I can't tell you enough how positively it affects the tonearm's performance. The arm sits quietly i... 
Just got my Scoutmaster, need setup suggestions...
Tail down pertains to vertical tracking angle..that is, looking from the side of the cartridge while its on the record, between true horizon and the angle of the cartridge - presuming the stylus was put on correctly by the cartridge maker. Verical... 
Just got my Scoutmaster, need setup suggestions...
Azimuth is the fancy term for how the arm sits on the record, looking at it from the very front - in the face of the cartridge. It should be absolutely horizontal to the record. Its exactly what I suggested to you above. 
Has anyone updated Senn HD650 cable?
Yes - I heard a definate improvement. I am using the Headroom Bockhead amp which is a balanced amp, an Ayre preamp, which is also balanced,and therefore, I wanted a balanced XLR connection for the Sennheisers. The improvement was not at all subtle... 
Just got my Scoutmaster, need setup suggestions...
I have a Superscoutmaster with a VPI arm which is very close to what you have. I know the reviewers have said how easy this turntable is to set up, but mine took weeks to get it perfect. You are looking for perfection. Don't give up, there is grea... 
Firebird Suite
Check out the Jarvi conducting the Cincinnati orchestra on Telarc... Its a plain old Redbook, but will blow the socks off any SACD or DVD hi def version. 
The Best of the Best Well sort of - CD players
The Ayre C5xe has no video at all.. 
lp12 ekoes troika vrs technics 1200 rb300 $1000+ca
The 300 is a wonderful overachiever...Id put anything into it. ...mind the modifications..disuse the spring, dropped counterweight, rewire, etc. 
Installation Instructions??
My wife is a physician as well. She just told me that she will bring home hemostats in different sizes so that I can install the cartridge (Benz LP) Thanks all 
Installation Instructions??
Thanks all... I feel like I'm sitting on death row awaiting the final outcome. We'll see.. 
Where to start with vinyl
I'm not saying that modern low output cartridges are bad..they are excellent...but so are some high output moving coils. If one has a less than state of the art pre-pre, the high output cartridge allows the unit to work what wonderders it has rath... 
To those who've tkn Vandersteen 5A upgrade plunge
Audiophilia is all about upgrading. If you dont, you will know that your speakers' potential is compromised, and you will feel pain in that. I have heard that the 5A's are about to be updated. Richard V said that the biggest problem with the 5A's ... 
Next on the list for Mahler....
If you want something so beautiful, it will make your heart weep, try the Solti recording of Das Lied von der Erde. 
Cable Loop.
Cable elevators never did anything for my system...I have wood floors. I understand that they do work on carpets. 
Wilson owners Call of Duty
Be careful auditioning Purist Cables... They sound fabulous at first with that very huge soundstage and velvet texture. Unfortunately, they are not real sounding and you tire of them quickly.