

Responses from stringreen

Magnetization & Demagnetization any conclusions?
I agree with Rushton, however, I still don't think its magnetism, but static electricity that we're eliminating. 
Has anyone added a second belt to their VPI Scout
Soon VPI will have a rim drive to eliminate the belts 
Shipping a VPI TT, Arm & Cartridge. Help Needed
I have the original boxes, but all those little pieces of foam and cardboard is a major intellectual exersize to place in the proper spots. I'd still have someone else pack it. 
Magnetization & Demagnetization any conclusions?
I dont think you can magnetize the record, but there is certainly a static electricity issue that should be dealt with. I had a Zerostat from about 30 years ago that fineally failed a couple of weeks ago. I order the Mapleshade version because it ... 
Shipping a VPI TT, Arm & Cartridge. Help Needed
The only other thing I can think of is to bring it to your friendly VPI dealer and have him send it... I have a Superscoutmaster, and even have saved the boxes that it came in. I personally would want to get it done professionally. I'm moving from... 
Shipping a VPI TT, Arm & Cartridge. Help Needed
Actually, if you go to the UPS store, they guarantee a safe delivery for anything they pack and ship. You might have to mortage your house, however it will get there undamaged, or they will get you another. 
vpi tonearm v.s. clearaudio
By the way..If you're in New Jersey, you are welcome to come over and play with my VPI to see if you like it. 
vpi tonearm v.s. clearaudio
I have a JMW 10.5i. There is on these posts some trepidation because of it seeming unstable. It does react unstable when you hold it, however it is a very stable arm in the groove. There is no bumping, tipping, etc. when its playing records. There... 
which would you replace first?
Audiofeil.. Why is it that you think I haven't? Is your temperment always to strike out? Answer Piedpiper 
Thorens Stabilizer
It says right in the instruction not to use a spindle clamp when you use this mat. 
To damp or not to damp JMW-9 Sig ?
,,just for your edification..the Gingko platform is in 2 pieces with the table itself suspended, but the motor not. 
LP -12 Felt Plater Mat
The non-felt mat delivers much more air around the instruments with greater depth and width. The Boston does the same but to a slightly lesser degree, however, it seems to have more definition. When I exchange the Boston and the anti-felt, I like ... 
cantelever not straight, advise please.
If it was mine, Id consider it useless, get my money back and get a new cartridge. A bent cantilever can not be fixed except by replacing it. By "straightening", it, whose to say that the diamond is in its optimum position. No thanks = not for me. 
To damp or not to damp JMW-9 Sig ?
Artemus_5..try the Gingko platform under the VPI. Check out their website. Vinh the owner is extremely nice and very helpful. 
LP -12 Felt Plater Mat
Xagwell...I think you might be pretty safe with the Non-felt mat, but all the others (Boston I'm positive) you have to change the VTA.