

Responses from stringreen

VPI JMW setup
This is how I adjust for azimuth with my VPI 10.5i. I use the rod method, however, it is difficult to see accurately if the rod is truly horizontal....so..... I use a Cardas wood block (looks kind of like a domino). I took 2 of the blocks, and add... 
Which Power Cords: I Need Some Informed Guidance
I dare say you can not post a "review" of power cords. Every one that I have tried sounds different using different components...in fact, I am using my favorite cords which are Furutech connections on Accrolink, and Oyeida ends on Accrolink. I hav... 
Vinyl beginner frustrations Azimuth and VTA
I use a lined index card folded in half in such a way that the blue lines are horizontal - left to right. This makes a "tent" which I put between the turntable's spindle, and the arm cued down, resting on a record. I line up the arm tube with thos... 
VPI JMW setup
The most helpful thing I did to my VPI arm was to adjust it with a Mint protractor. The VPI metal protractor is ok and gets you to the neighborhood, but the Mint takes you into the house. There is a definite sound improvement with the MINT. I prot... 
Cables for Vandersteen 2 Ce Sig II
I'm using Anti-Cables with my Vandersteen 5A's with great satisfaction. They have a money back guarantee. 
All vandersteen users ?
Vandersteen speakers are capable of extraordinary performance. Even more important than raw power is quality of upstream components. Your best bet is to bring a pair home and try it with your stuff in your room. 
Bass, more or less?
Without bass, there is no foundation...no solidity to the performance. Yes, the bass has to be "right" ...clean, fast, not too much or too little...however, it needs to be there for me. Midrange is easier to reproduce, but one of the reasons I hav... 
recommend me good power cable , thanks
I have done a lot of experimenting with power cords. Make your own. Use either Furutech F1 series connectors or Oyeida 046 series with Accrolink cable and you will be very pleased. If you decide to go with a factory cord, do not be predisposed by ... 
Speaker cable improvements
I agree with Thorman...actually, at many times the price they would be incredible 
Good USED Speaker Cable Choices for $300-$500 ?
There is not a worse cable - either interconnect, speaker, or power cable than Cardas on my system. I tried all of them and found the best to be Anti-Cables in my system. It is very important to listen to each cable in your own system and evaluate... 
Scout vs. P5
...also Benz cartridges mate well with the VPI 
Surround Rear speaker set-up 5.1
My surrounds are in the rear in the ceiling and it sounds fine. 
VPI 300 RPM motor clicking when starts
I had the clicking sound when my Superscoutmaster was brand new. Harry told me to drop a bit of lubricant under the brass plate on the motors and the noise went away. 
Need help with phono cartridge selection
Retuc01 - charts and graphs mean very little. The cartridge sound is the important consideration. If you like it fine, however, the fact that it is so old is suspicious. Rubber parts deteriorate from ozone in the atmosphere...things harden and sof... 
Amp / speaker cable for 10T
Collosus Rev A or B etc. has a very open, and wide soundstage with great depth. The highs are definately rolled off, but clean and clear. My personal experience with them is that they are highly colored, and although very pleasant to listen to, ar...