

Responses from stringreen

Do you ever doubt you ears ?
Does a pilot doubt his/her instruments?? 
Any 5a owners?
..I'm another fan of both John and Richard's speakers. 
is turntable isolation required?
I think it all depends on your turntable.... Linn tables love to be on a very light table since the resonance of that light table will be disipated by the suspension of the turntable. VPI's on the other hand love to have a heavy, solid table to re... 
Kimber KS 3035 vs Nordost Valhalla speaker cables
If you don't at least try those Anti-Cables you really don't know what you are talking about. I had top of the line Audioquest, Kimbers,Nordost, Purist, Cardas...you name it and Anti-Cables were the best in MY system. Audioquest Sky/Everest came i... 
Can I straighten an off-center twisted cantilever?
I would certainly send it back to Dyna. Bending it back to its original condition is impossible. Even if it looks straight, its enry into the groove will most likly be off and will gauge out your precious recordings. 
Mapeshade cable lifts or any cable lifts?
Still friends, Liz.... 
Mapeshade cable lifts or any cable lifts?
Elizabeth...just because I haven't heard a difference with or without them on MY system or the systems that I tried it on, doesn't mean you or I can't hear a difference on YOUR system. I'm disappointed in your fire breathing conclusion...perhaps t... 
Mapeshade cable lifts or any cable lifts?
I never found them to do anything at all...I have unshielded cables. 
Magnepan 1.7 too bright, HELP
Jafreeman...Clearly you don't know what you're talking about. You shouldn't post 
Quality of sound
I had large floor standing Bozaks, and they had (I think) a 12 inch speaker (or 15 inch) in it that had 2 tweeters mounted coaxially. I drove them with Dyna amps and a Dyna preamp. I had the tweeters fail twice. They were replaced by Bozak (althou... 
Magnepan 1.7 too bright, HELP
Of course all cables may sound different on different systems, however, I find Anti-Cables very flat in frequency transference..as a matter of fact, I tried almost every cost no object cables in my system, and Anti-Cables were the best. Magnapans ... 
Can I use a Benz LP-S with vpi classic?
I asked Harry this very question. I am using a Benz LP with a 10.5 and am thinking of replacing it with the LPS. Harry said the LPS is a bit better because of the microridge stylus..it extracts a bit more from the record. They are both great with ... 
LP care
Dawgfish...I disagree with you regarding the importance of a fancy record cleaning machine. I get MUCH better results with a steamer for about 25 dollars and some microfiber cloths for about 5 dollars. I steam records just once..after which they r... 
VPI Classic hum
Mcdaddy...that sounds like feedback. Get rid of your VPI minifeet and replace them with Bearpaws from Vermontaudio.com. 
Vandersteen 5Aa Carbon--any 5a owner's opinions?
When buying the Vandersteen speakers new, the dealer always sets it up for you...one reason to buy it new. John Rutan of Audio Connection set mine up and did an excellent job...the reason to buy it from him.