

Responses from stringreen

q3 magico
So far, any Magico speaker I've listened to was a disappointment. Same goes to YG. 
Teres Tonearm Help
The original Rega arm, although a good performer at that price level, was made of inferior (soft) bearings et al, and didn't stand the test of time well. Maybe Express Machinery corrected these faults..I don't know. 
Shelter 501
Marakanetz... You might just take some clay, motite, etc., make little balls out of it and add it to the headshell. Rebalance the arm to reflect the proper VTF when adding the clay. When the arm/cartridge reacts to your satisfaction, weigh the cla... 
Should i go Boulder 1060 or Jeff Rowland 625
There is usually a synergy when using the same designer's opinion of what is right....I would lean to Rowland. If you decide for Boulder, make sure you listen first. 
Purist Audio Speaker cable question
You must listen for yourself to see how they react with your system. In mine they are quite good, but have a back of the auditiorium perspective. ...that is, rolled highs, but lots of depth and air around the instruments. As you go up the line you... 
AntiCables v. Morrow?
Cables are extremely system dependant...you have to listen to how they interact with your own stuff. Im my system there is huge depth and width, clarity, power, delicacy, etc. with anti-cables. 
Powercords $1000 that beat VH Audio cords
I use (from VH Audio) Accrolink cable with Furutech F1 plugs on the amp power cords and Oyeida plugs on the preamp, and Unversal player. I haven't heard better for MY system 
AntiCables v. Morrow?
I am using Anti-Cables with great satisfaction. I feel no need for anything else. I've compared the Anti's with the high priced spread of various cable manufacturers and went with Anti's. Money was not an issue - only performance. 
help with cartridge set-up
I too live in Scottsdale.....how can I help What arm and cartridge do you have Stan 
What speakers have best bass for hip hop, and rock
I agree with Cerwin=Vega. B&W is too expensive for what it is, and won't give you what you need...maybe with a 5000 watt amp. 
VPI Classic and new cartridge - which one?
HW's cartridge of choice for his personal use is the LP-S. Be sure to get a heavier (180 grm) counterweight 
Is McIntosh a stepping stone into HI/FI?
Bj...what I heard with the mac was that the highs particularly were more rounded off...seductive... It was like sitting in back of the hall rather than the mid hall presentation of the Ayre. I guess I hear more music with Ayre, the Mac seemed slow... 
Is McIntosh a stepping stone into HI/FI?
Mac makes some very nice equipment. Like everything else, the end result is how happy are you with what's coming out of your speakers. I own all Ayre equipment with Vandersteen 5A's, but just recently heard Vandersteen 5A's driven with Mac, and it... 
Vandersteen 1's and Speaker Cables
I have had great success with Anti-Cables. They are dirt cheap and sound as good as the top tier. Be sure to tell them to use the small spades. 
Is there a huge diff, between 2CE Sig II & 3A Sig?
There is no better place to get advice about anything Vandersteen, or as a matter of fact...anything audiophile. John's the nicest most knowledgeable person I have ever dealt with. He sells nearly everything, and is the very best place to go.