

Responses from stringreen

Soundlab Speakers - Budget Amp Suggestions
If you get top the line speakers why oh why would you be shopping for a budget amp. Why put cheap tires on a performance sports car. 
Solid State for Rock and Tubes for Jazz, Yes or No
There are excellent versions of each system. The idea is to get the best amp you can ...not how electrons move within the circuit. 
Get Stoned
Sorry Albert et al .....I was in a hurry to get to my system and mistyped... 
Get Stoned
Theory Schmeory.....I know what I hear. All you need to do is get them and try them for yourself. They have a money back guarantee....Edansound.com 
Get Stoned
BRF....my post was about putting the Terrastones under the SDS...not the rim drive motor (which I agree with you works best with compliant feet), and not under the turntable itself (which best works with Bearpaws...a solid foundation to the center... 
Best speaker on used market around 10,000.00
Catridge Suggestion for Audio Research PH-5
Get in touch with John Rutan at Audioconnection in New Jersey. I would certainly trust him for suggestions. He's an Audio Research dealer and one of the foremost experts on Vandersteen...a winning match for you. John is a wonderful guy to speak to. 
Magnepan mg1.6 vs mg1.7 bass quality?
Keep what you have but get a sub 
What do I need to run my maggies?
lots of quality power 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
Ayre..quality great sounding amps with a wonderful Customer Service department if you should ever need it. 
Cartridge for VPI Classic 3?
I'm using a Benz LPS in my 10.5i and am loving it. No inner grove distortion, great dynamic range, delicate when required, and bold when the record demands it...great depth, air....I haven't heard better. 
Sonus Faber Stradivari
YG...very anti-musical (not for me)....Tannoys or Vandersteen 7 (ahhhh) 
What would you do?
My neighbor just got a new Ferrari convertable. Here in Arizona it gets hot so during the day he used the top and at night the top went down...all worked well. Yesterday it rained here in the Sonoran dessert and the top poured water onto his match... 
single ended cable crossed at bi wireable speaker?
Also interesting, I have found that seperate cables for biwiring sound better than the jacketed cables that split at the speaker end. Also found that seperate + and - wires even if not biwired very often sound better than jacketed ones (2 conducte... 
turntable isolation feet
You don't mention what turntable you have. I have a VPI, which was greatly helped with the addition of Bearpaws...Vermontaudio.com