

Responses from stringreen

What's your SDS setting?
I would only use the recommended lubricants for the VPI. The Classic platter has a dry lubricant from the factory that lasts quite a long time. When you mix lubricants you get trouble. I have a Superscoutmaster rim drive with a Classic platter. Th... 
Best choice for Koetsu R.Sign. and Benz LP
You should trade your LP for an LPS....very much better. 
Help me pick a great phono cable
Every cable has its own sonic signature when connected. It will sound different in different systems. I am using Anti-Cable silver on my VPI with great satisfaction. I tried many cables and have always come back to these. 
B&W 805D2 or Magico Q1?
Have you listened to other speakers for your own evaluation?? Magnepan, Vandersteen, Tannoy -- these are MY personal favorites, but you have to know YOUR sensibilities. Isn't it interesting that the 3 speakers I mentioned as MY favorites, all soun... 
Faceplates Silver or Black???????
I opted for everything black for my Ayre stuff, but when I see the silver Ayre gear...it looks sooooo modern and clean. 
Acceptable level of hum at max volume?
It seems to me that the less hum and noise in a system the better. All of that garbage stuff robbs amplifier power, and also reacts/modulates with the signal. In my system there is no hum and only the slightest hiss at absolute full rotation of th... 
Moving VPI TNT, Wheaton Triplanar, Transfiguration
When I moved across the country, I packed the platter, the motor assembly, and the turntable seperately.. I took the arm myself with the cartridge well protected, and travelled with it in the glove compartment of the car. 
VTA and HTA overhang
I view perfect alignment if the stylus touches the inscribed arc at any point on the Mint protractor 
Acceptable level of hum at max volume?
It shouldn't hum at all....you may hear a hissssss with full gain, but not a hum 
VTA and HTA overhang
Reading these posts made me break out my MINT protractor and check the alignment again....its still perfect. I adjusted the arm so that it is absolutely level and I leave it that way, no matter the thickness of the record that I play. I know that ... 
Is good customer service about dead?
My word!! That's why we have to take into account the stregnth and reputation of those components on which we spend our hard earned money. There are quite a few manufacturers that make excellent sounding equipment....why anyone sends money to comp... 
Who uses high end TT setup for vintage records ?
I am always taken back by the sound those older LP's have hidden in them. I found that better equipment doesn't emphasis those ticks, pops, and noises that lesser equipment seems to bring out, yet does bring out those audiphile traits that make us... 
How to "break-in" new speakers??
Just play them 
Ayre V-1xe Upgrde - Great Care & Professionalism
I am a happy Ayre owner as well.... Kudos to the Ayre team especially Michael Weidemeyer..(I doubt if I spelled his name correctly, but he knows who I'm talking about) 
the best 'tubey amp - warm,smooth,liquid' ?
I wouldn't go with an off branded component. If you need that soft sound go for a Mac.