

Responses from stringreen

VPI Scout setup after watching Frefmer's video
jm...The counter-intuitive is excellent if you change arms/cartridges....otherwise, it has no use at all. I've set up numerous VPI arms and once you get the idea, it is quite easy to do. 
2.7 seems too high to me. I know this cartridge well, and if adjusted properly, 2 grams - even a bit less is all that is required. 
VPI Scout setup after watching Frefmer's video
I get better sound with NO anti-skate at all. I tried the twist method and the actual anti-skate gizmo, but my cartridge sounds best with none at all. 
Experiences with Blu-ray players
...just my take, but Bluray is disappointing. Very rarely is it better than its Redbook counterpart. 
I love my Ayre....comes damned close and sometimes and in some ways surpases vinyl 
How do I smooth out violins?
Get better equipment or roll off the highs. 
Ayre D to A
Hgeifman...thanks. The reason I am looking first to Ayre is because I have an all Ayre system with a C5xemp silver disc player (phenomenal...although the Superscout/Rim Drive/Benz LPS is a bit better most of the time. I'm also been interested in t... 
VPI Traveler vs Pro-ject Xpression III?
All VPI tables benefit GREATLY by the use of Terrastones, or Bearpaws. Check it out....Edensound.com 
Ayre D to A
Thanks Zd....isn't that true of this whole audio thing anyway? I know I'm setting myself up for a long and hard battle, but am becoming interested in playing digital files. 
what would you change if anything, in this set up?
I do love Ayre...the products, the customer support, the philosophy... the weakest link is the Macbook. I have one and suggest that it degrades performance appreciably if you are using it to store music files. The MacMini, however is world class..... 
Review: ayre cx-7e mp CD Player
EXron....You are dead wrong about Ayre. I have an all Ayre system and it outperforms many for many years. Customer service is exemplary...the top category of all. Yes, there are scratched, or marked discs that it will not play, but for those, just... 
What to do with my Ipod tunes?
Actually, Itunes can be quite good. Try Pure Music download (free to try) and be amazed....oh you should listen through good earbuds 
Looking for a power conditioner/regenerator/filter
The Richard Gray stuff was the very worst in MY system. Those who are using this should try it without and listen...you can always put it back in. 
Looking for a power conditioner/regenerator/filter
You should try one in your own system to hear if you like it. I tried many and came to the conclusion that they do more harm than good IN MY SYSTEM. 
Nordost ICs mixing with other speaker cables
I'm a non-mixer myself. I think it is futile trying to match voiceings of different cables to find a reasonable sound.