
Responses from stickman451

Anyone using the TW Acustic Raven or AC in ATL?
Leman,Great; what did you replace with the Raven? Is that a One or an AC? What's your entire rig like? 
Anyone using the TW Acustic Raven or AC in ATL?
Wow, no TW owners in the Atlanta Ga area? 
Anyone using the TW Acustic Raven or AC in ATL?
Thx, Sent an email. 
MC Output Voltage - Impact on Noise
The Hovland website says, 530 
MC Output Voltage - Impact on Noise
I thought that the default factory loading for the HP-100 was 500? 
MC Output Voltage - Impact on Noise
With my Hovland HP-100 at average phono listening levels I am typically at the noon to 2 o'clock position on the volume control, so moving to a .48mv output from a .30mv would move the control back to a typical range of 10 to straitht-up...correct... 
Running an External Phono with a Hovland HP-100
The Hovland is unbalanced only. I believe that all the Audio Research pieces have both balanced and unbalanced. That would be an interesting trial too; use the Ref 5 and the Phono Ref or the PH7 in balanced mode. 
Running an External Phono with a Hovland HP-100
That is correct, it is the P5xe. I'm not quite as ignorant as it may seem; I couldn't layout or interpret a tube or a solid state circuit if my life depended upon it but I do know what sounds good...I'm definitely not a technician so before I plug... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Tried the Cowboy Junkies', Trinity Revisited on vinyl yet? A fantastic record! Sounds just like Margo is in the room signing and you can hear all of the reverberation of the Trinity Church, rich and organic. Wonderful! 
Running an External Phono with a Hovland HP-100
I spent the last few hours this evening comparing the excellent Ayre P-5x phono running through the Hovland's tape monitor v.s. the internal phono. No comparison actually; I like the sound of the Hovland's internal much better. I will say that the... 
Running an External Phono with a Hovland HP-100
Yes; interesting that you mention that. I actually asked Alex that exact question just the other day. I use horn speakers so I had the line stage gain reduction done on my HP-100 (down to 6 db). Manufactures always claim that gain reductions do-no... 
Running an External Phono with a Hovland HP-100
Did not know that the phono in the 200 is SS. I still want to compare the internal phono and a couple of externals including the AR Ref 2. Hope to do that sometime after attending the RMAF this Oct. 
Running an External Phono with a Hovland HP-100
I would agree to a point on that; the Hovland definitely falls on the warm side, but that is why I like it so much; it is the antithesis of 'analytical.' 
Running an External Phono with a Hovland HP-100
Thanks for the feedback. I'm pretty happy with the Hovland and especially happy with the phono. (I had the latest updates installed last year too)..It is a shame that they are out of business; I'm hoping someone else will pick them up and continue... 
How much difference does a phono stage make?
Everything above makes good sense. What does your Scout sit on? When I had my Scout I definitely noticed performance differences depending upon the table/stand. I like the 4" solid maple platforms from MapleShade.