
Responses from stickman451

Which One Amp for the Magnepan 3.6's?
Thanks for the info on the JC-1's. keeping an eye out for a good used pair. 
Which One Amp for the Magnepan 3.6's?
Can anyone comment on the ParaSound JC-1's? What 'kind' of sound does it have? Strengths, weaknesses... 
Which One Amp for the Magnepan 3.6's?
Have read about the Pass Labs X-350.5; looks very good but perhaps out of the immediate price range... 
Wish List For Vinyl Pressings
Every album done by The Electric Light Orchestra. 
Choosing a new turntable
It''s hard to go wrong with the VPI tables for the money. Are there 'better' tables out there, yes, but then you are spending many more $$$. I'm not crazy about unipivot arms myself; they seem so 'jumpy' and 'bouncy', almost unstable. However, I o... 
Prima Luna Dialogue 2 or Cayin A100?
Dramapsycho,Try installing EL34's output tubes; I can't believe that they would be 'bright.' Also, give the amp/tubes a few weeks to break-in; it needs a couple of hundred of hours to settle-in. 
It is 5 AM, Do you Know where Mikey Fremer is?
Ouch! A Ypsilon phono at $26k is more than twice the Ref Phono 2, it better sound better! I wish that I had heard that comparison.Interesting comments on the bass of the Ref Phono 2; bass on my Khorns with the Ref really sang for me. It was taunt,... 
Lost that "Tube Magic". Can you help?
Try a used Hovland HP-100 preamp (if you can find one) 
Vinyl "bleed through"- need set-up advice
The ambient noise or background noise level in your listening room can make a difference too; if you have a really quiet room oftentimes you will hear pre/post echo details that you don't hear in louder listening rooms. Another recent album with b... 
returning vinyl for warpage?
I agree; records are no different than any other product you are buying. The product should be in good condition and ready to play. I can not tell you how many records I have purchased over the last couple of years that were warped, bent, with off... 
It is 5 AM, Do you Know where Mikey Fremer is?
Mr. Fremer, have you had a chance to hear the new Audio Research Ref Phono 2? What did you think? I borrowed a Ref 2 for five days and it blew my socks off; awesome performance in every way!!! I am saving up for one now. 
returning vinyl for warpage?
Yes, you should return them! Music Direct and Acoustic Sounds are not always happy to take them back but they will if you insist; don't be afraid to insist, it's your money! 
Anyone Going to the Axpona Show in March in Jackso
Got an answer from Axpona on the show times: 10AM - 6:00PM each day. 
Tube 'Characteristics' - EL-34 and 845 and 211
So, When you say:"When I hear someone ask for a beautiful sounding tube, the 845 doesn't spring to the forefront of my thoughts"So, exactly how does one explain/describe the difference between an EL-34 and and 845? 
Tube 'Characteristics' - EL-34 and 845 and 211
I've been looking at an Art Audio Quartet (50 watts class A with two 845's per side); haven't brought it home for an in-house audition yet but I probably will. At the dealer driving some Usher floor standing speakers I thought the Quartet sounded ...