
Responses from stickman451

Measure My Turntable Speed
A VPI Aries 3 with the super platter... 
Measure My Turntable Speed
Looking at the laser Tachometer on Ebay; very interesting. Anyone ever use one of these? 
Measure My Turntable Speed
sounds like i should just get the KAB...will probably do that. 
Measure My Turntable Speed
I was going to get the KAB Stobe, but it is $90. The turntable tech at Accoustic Sounds suggested the meter method since the test record is only $40 and I already have meter. He also said that the meter method is about as accurate a method you can... 
What If?
Okay; Quad 989's sound very interesting. So, what does a Quad 989 "sound like"? 
What If?
All sound interesting; especially the Quads... 
Equipment that has made you 'stop' looking?
The Mighty Klipschorn... I never stop 'looking'...I look just for fun...but if I ever hear a speaker that I like better overall than a Khorn, I will purchase it immediately! 
Best Louis Armstrong LP to Start With?
Yes; looking for great vinyl... 
VPI Aries 3 Has Arrived
Guys,thanks for the feedback; wondering how much impact adding the SDS will have? I've logged another 15hrs or so listening to the Aries and I still swear that it is a tad bit 'slower' and less rhythmic overall than the Scout... Perhaps it is stil... 
Thinking about selling Vinyl collection - long
Kencrouch,let us know when you list the lot. I've gone in the other direction, just getting back into vinyl after about 25 years...IMHO, nothing is like vinyl... 
VPI Aries 3 Has Arrived
No, I do not have the SDS yet but it is on the list....Hoping to have it within the next six months...I am using the Dynavector 20XL that came off of my Scout...Once I wear it out I will probably go with something like the Te Kaitora Rua....I am a... 
Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2008
Yep, airline ticket prices are UP! I'm not sure I would wait however; probably will just go up even more as the date approaches... 
Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2008
I think that it is a great show. Last year was my first time; had never been to any kind of stereo show before. What's fun is seeing and hearing such a large number and diversity of really great gear... Highly recommended! 
The Best $10,000.00 Table + Cartridge
With due respect to all of the opinons voiced above, I think that one thing that everyone is overlooking is what I call 'system synergy' or just plain matching... Everyone (and especially anyone that has owned a huge number of different components... 
The Best $10,000.00 Table + Cartridge
Lots of bad feelings it appears around VPI... Despite feelings or irrational 'emotions', try putting a Dynavector 507 on an Aries 3 and then LISTEN to it...your feelings about overpriced, over advertised, and mid-fi performance will change most li...