
Responses from stickman451

Have you heard of EMOTIVA?
Well, now I have heard the Emotiva XPA-1's in my room with my 3.6's; I've spent a good part of this weekend listening and comparing them to an old NAD 2200PE that I've had since 1987 and also to a NAD C275BEE that I just picked-up off of Audigon. ... 
Have you heard of EMOTIVA?
Gosh, I'm soooooo needy.... Bought these amps as show demos without trying them out at home in my rig first; will have them by Thursday and then I will let you know 'what I think.' 
Output Impedance of Hovland HP-100?
2500 ohms; is that a low output impedance relatively speaking? Does that mean that the Hovland would be challenged to drive a SS amp with an input impedance of say 10k ohms? 
Okay I Bought the Magnepan 3.6's
Thanks for all the very interesting feedback, comments, and recommendations. My final analysis of the Mac 402 is that it is not the amp I want for my rig and my new 3'6's... I'll have to look elsewhere. Still leaning towards one of the Pass or pos... 
Okay I Bought the Magnepan 3.6's
They are dealer demos, well broken-in... So, you don't think that a Pass X150.5 will do the job?Yes, I will look at the Brystons too... 
Okay I Bought the Magnepan 3.6's
thanks for the recommendations. I noticed that all three of the X150.5's listed have been sold! 
Okay I Bought the Magnepan 3.6's
I wondered if the 150.5 would be enough for the 3.6's in my room which is 17w x 26l x 9h. Or, maybe the 250.5? 
Okay I Bought the Magnepan 3.6's
Okay, it's still early, but my initial reactions to the Mac 402 are not knocking my socks off.. Sounds a little slow, too laid back and too polite, lacking some speed and rhythm, and the bass is absent... Haven't given up yet; will let them play a... 
Okay I Bought the Magnepan 3.6's
Lak,did you do some detailed comparisons between the SX 1000's and other big $$$ muscle amps? I happen to live very close one of their distributors so most likely I could get a loaner. 
Okay I Bought the Magnepan 3.6's
By chance I have managed to lay my hands on a loaner McIntosh 402...will try that on the new 3.6's just to get a good bearing on what a modern muscle amp (400 Watts and lots of current) can provide. Has anyone tried this Mc on their own 3.6's? Wha... 
Okay I Bought the Magnepan 3.6's
Thanks! Will do. Listening at this moment; Alison Krauss and Union Station Live, a great album. Highly recommended! 
Okay I Bought the Magnepan 3.6's
Forgot! What about just a X150.5, would that be enough POWER? 
Quick poll: Listening at night, lights ON or OFF ?
Lights off completely or at least very low...want to see that glow of those 8 EL34's... 
Which One Amp for the Magnepan 3.6's?
Well, picked-up a pair of used 3.6's; so far so good! Different sound than my KHorns for sure, but good. Now to find the ideal SS muscle amp... For now, the old NAD 2200pe will have to do... 
MapleShade Samson V.2 and V.3 Equipment Racks
Thanks for the feedback. I've been looking at the Adona racks also; very nice, but a good bit more money than the MapleShade ...