
Responses from stickman451

Magnepan fuse voltage
Well, that most likely explains why I have been blowing fuses! I have been using 4 Amp 32v fuses. Thanks for the info. 
Magnepan announces the 20.7
Can you 20 owners make a comment on the absolute minimum sized room that you feel would properly accomodate the 20.1's or 20.7's? 
Your Wish List for Reissue on Vinyl
All of the ELO albums, but especially 'Out of the Blue' 
Magnepan 3.7's versus 20.1's?
15' sounds like a solid estimate on the minimum width. Does it make sense that the 20's would require greater room space than the 3's since they are so much larger? Maybe some of our 20.1 owners can comment. 
Magnepan 3.7's versus 20.1's?
Assuming a 'shoe-box' shape, What is the smallest room dimensions in which the 20.1's and 3.7's will work well? 
best amp for Magnepan 3,7
Cary 500MB's. 
Buying Tubes Again; Maddening
I'm going to try some of Jim McShane's recommendations and also a set of the Psvane. Both are reasonably priced. 
Buying Tubes Again; Maddening
Yes, my HP-100 was 'updated' for final status before Hovland quit. I've tried several of the JJ's but the ones I used seemed a tad noisy and not as 'organic' as the Sophia's or the Mullard NOS.I may just try the Genalex and go from there. The prob... 
Buying Tubes Again; Maddening
In general, tube gear just sounds better and more real than SS gear; that's why I still use tubes...So, no one has tried the Genalex tubes? 
Your Impressions of the DV XX2 MKII
I have lusted after the TW Acustic tables since I first saw them at RMAF four years ago... I would love to have an AC...I like my VPI Aries 3 okay (but just ok)... I love my DV 507 MKII arm! If I could spring for an AC and mount the 507 arm on it ... 
Your Impressions of the DV XX2 MKII
Well my new DV XX2 MKII has been installed and it sounds GREAT! Very happy with this cartridge and I am confident it will sound even better as I use it over the next 30 to 50 hours. There's no doubt in my mind that the XX2 is several notches above... 
Your Impressions of the DV XX2 MKII
Thanks for all the feedback. I ordered the XX2 yesterday and should have it setup by late next week! I will report back on the results once I put a few hours on it and it 'settles' in. 
Magnepan 3.7
I'm very happy with my DH Labs Silver Sonic Q-10 Signature speaker cables. Mine are set-up as an external bi-wire but they can also be wired by DH Labs as an internal bi-wire. (Since the 3.7's only have single inputs). They are silver coated coppe... 
Your Impressions of the DV XX2 MKII
I have the DV 507-MKII arm so I'm not to worried about having issues with the cartridge mounting and tracking. Wish that I could bring myself to spend the extra coin for the XV-1s but it is a WHOLE LOT more $$$!Will have to live with the XX2 for now. 
Help with Playing FLAC files
Oops, sorry; you are correct, there is no such things as a mini-rca... I meant, a mini-stereo to Toslink cable... :)