
Responses from stickman451

The New PS Audio PWD MKII
How were you accessing your music files? Were you pulling files from a hard drive in you computer, a usb drive hanging off a computer, or a some other configuration?Are you an Apple or Windows user? 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Norah Jones, 'Little Broken Hearts'...Gets better each time I listen to it. A great record. 
Opinions on Magnepans sales/marketing approach to
Another week with the 20.7's and all I can say is WOW!!! These things smoke my 3.6's like crazy. EVERYTHING is BETTER. I am laying down a grid on the floor (per Jim Smith's instructions) so that I can tweak the speaker and listening position. I wa... 
Opinions on Magnepans sales/marketing approach to
My new 20.7's are sounding better every day. First week they sounded a tad bit 'closed-in' and distant. However, after about 50hrs of play time they are definitely opening-up and sound much better.The 20.7's are sounding more powerful and 'richer'... 
PreAmp Gain and Impact on Amp
Full power is around 4pm on my volume control. The control has 2db increments so maybe I should remove the 6db gain reduction resistor? 
Opinions on Magnepans sales/marketing approach to
Tomorrow; my 20.7's arrive tomorrow! Not too bad, ordered them June 9th. 
The Top Speaker for less than $500
Many of the new PSB's use a metal dome tweeter; don't like these...too harsh and brittle and bright. Are you using tube or SS amplification? 
Mini Maggie Office System
I heard the mini Maggie driven by the Wadia 151 at the Magnepan factory; was very impressed, sounded excellent! Another option might be the NAD C 375BEE integrated; plenty of power there. 
$1,500 Amp budget - Best options?
Try a NAD C275 BEE. It's rated at 150 watts but can do much higher peaks for very brief periods; it drove my Magnepan 3.6's with no problems. It's smooth and even balanced with a sweet top and midrange and plenty of grunt for the bass. A good used... 
Need at least 900wpc in 4ohm
Try a pair of Cary 500 MB; 1,000 watts into 4 ohms. They will drive just about anything and not break a sweat... Closest thing to a high powered tube amp that I have heard... They sound great, smooth, and very dynamic. They are excellent mono-bloc... 
Opinions on Magnepans sales/marketing approach to
Finally! Just got word from my local dealer that my 20.7's will go into production next week and that they should be delivered the last week of September. Better straighten-up my room pronto. 
Magneplanar 3.7 - recommended preamp and amp
I will second the Cary 500 MB recommendation; best and most powerful amps that I have found for my 3.6's. Going to keep them for my newly ordered 20.7's too! They are the closest thing to great tube amps that I have found, they double-down to 1,00... 
Opinions on Magnepans sales/marketing approach to
I would agree that the differences between the 3.6 and 3.7 may not seem as major as reported in the Audio press. However, in my brief listening sessions I did feel that the 3.7 was a more 'coherent' sounding speaker overall; the blending of the th... 
Opinions on Magnepans sales/marketing approach to
Mrschret,Were you able to do the Magnepan tour in White Bear Lake? Give us a report.... 
Cables ... what's up with them?
I am being nice! ;) I too have struggled as of late with the whole cable thing... I hear differences with different cables when I try them in my rig but the cost just seems a tab bit crazy at times...I think with cables more than any other 'compon...