
Responses from stickman451

Advice for first pair of Maggies
The further you can place the Maggies from the front wall the deeper and bigger your soundstage will become. Three feet is okay, but six would probably be better... All Maggies are Fantastic, especially for the money. However, they are probably no... 
Best Pre with a built-n phono section?
Try a used Hovland HP-100. 
Best Amp for Magnepan 1.7?
The best match that I have heard is what I am using now, a pair of Cary 500 mono blocks. What pre amp are you using? Every so often a good pair of Cary 500's show up for sale on Audiogon.From your list I would go with the Pass. 
How good is Emotiva 2 channel gear??
I had mixed results with their mono block amps; I felt the sound was definitely on the solid state side, a touch grainy and bright... The NAD amps that I have owned all sounded better to me than the Emotiva.... 
Good turntable needed, need recomendations.
The IO is a great phono stage; good choice. How far are you from the Brooklyn NY area? Highwater Sound might be a good place for you to take a look at the TW tables... 
Room Treatments for Maggies
I'm not sure that any special room treatment is really needed for Magnepans vs most other types of speaker... It is best however to set Magnepans 3 to 6 feet out from the front wall if you want to maximize the soundstage depth. The Rule of 'Thirds... 
Nirvana pressings
I have the ORG pressings and they are very good. There is a review of these on "The Audio Beat" web site I believe. 
45rpm pressing of Fleetwood Mac Rumours
I have the new 45rpm version and I think that it sounds very good. I also have an original copy from the 70's. I haven't actually compared the two versions yet but once I do I will post my impressions... 
Motor Controller ugrade for Raven One Turntable
If any of you have met, know, or had stereo business dealings with Jeff at Highwater Sound then you are already aware that Jeff does not give any 'sales' pitches nor does he ever feed you bull$$!!. He is as honest as they come in the business and ... 
Magnepan 1.7 too bright, HELP
Additional thoughts:Tweaking your room surroundings is good advice but on it's own that will not correct serious deficiencies in your upstream components. (a really poor room can ruin very good components, but in your situation it's the system mat... 
Magnepan 1.7 too bright, HELP
My thoughts:1. Use the spacers on the stand screws to tilt the panels back. If you do not have the original spacers provided by Magnepan then use a properly sized washer. Angling the panels back a bit will help with the hot top-end2. ABSOLUTLEY re... 
Best Tonearm for Dynavector XV1s
The DV 507MK-II of course... 
Your best ''outstanding'' products in last 5 yrs?
iPad 2. A must have gadget. The computer of the future now! 
Your best ''outstanding'' products in last 5 yrs?
Magnepan 3.6 speakers; a truly awesome product for the money. (Actually bought mine used for a paltry $2,800). The 3.6's really sound as good and outperform many speakers that I have heard that cost as much as ten times more! A true bargain in aud... 
What amp next for Vandersteens?
Try a used pair of Cary 500 MB's; a pair will show up every now and then on Audiogon. Search 'chat' here on Audiogon for user comments on these great amps. They can drive just about any load and are the closest thing to very good tube sound in a S...