
Responses from stickman451

Maggie speakers and bi-amping
I am wondering why Magnepan went the non-biwire and non-biamp route with the new 3.7's and 20.1's? I have 3.6's and will consider moving to either the 3.7's or maybe even the 20.7's. I haven't heard the 20.7's yet of course, nor have I ever heard ... 
Looking for a balanced upsampling DAC under 1k
Or, a PS Audio DL III; only does 44/16bit on usb however. Toslink-in sounds excellent using my Macbook Pro as source and the Toslink will do 96/24 bit files. 
My First OverHead Projector
Videogon...never heard of it, good idea :). Thanks. 
My First OverHead Projector
Used maybe and under $2k. Can you get a decent overhead projector in that range? 
magnepan 1.7 or 3.7 vs spendor s8e
Can't comment on the Spendor since I have not heard them. I do use the 3.6's and I can recommend the 3.7's very highly. A caution on the 3.7's however, you need a very powerful, high current cable amp to get the best from them and they should be s... 
My Final Amplifier Purchase - What Would You Buy?
Consider a used pair of Cary 500 monoblocks. They are the closest thing to tubes that I have heard in a SS amp, will drive most any speaker out there, and sound great. They are put up for sale every now and then (one pair on audiogon now) and can ... 
Anyone using a NAD M3 with Maggies?
Another option; watch for a used pair of Cary 500's. Buy them, test them out on the 1.6's and if you don't like the sound, resell on Audiogon. They dissappear quickly when they do show up used, that should tell you something. 
Anyone using a NAD M3 with Maggies?
I haven't heard the M3 with Maggies but I have used their C275BEE stereo amp with my 3.6's with excellent results. I now use the Cary 500 monoblocks and they are definitely better than the C275 but the sound with the NAD was still excellent. The N... 
Best DAC under 2k US ?
I like the PS Audio DL III. Around $500 used on Audiogon or $800 new. 
How much Power for Maggies 3.6 is enough
How big is your room, how 'damped' is the room, and what is a typical listening volume for you in db?Short answer; the more watts and current, the better with all Magnepans. I use Cary 500 MB with my 3.6's and have been very pleased with the resul... 
W4S or Rega Dac - Opinions Wanted
I have the DacMagic and the PS Audio DL III. I like the PS DL L III better overall. It is a bit smoother than the DacMagic and produces a better soundstage with greater density in the sound field. However, I think that the Dac Magic is excellent a... 
To DAC or not to DAC
I have an Audio Research LS-3 pre that I bougth about 17 years ago; it still works like new and I use it in my second system upstairs.It is an execeptional unit and is one of Audio Research's best SS preamps ever offered. You cannot go wrong with ... 
Magnepan fuse voltage
Finally got this corrected! As Jwp says above, the correct mid-range fuse for my 3.6's are 5 amp, 250 volt; haven't had any issues with blown fuses since I installed the 5 amp.Thanks 
To DAC or not to DAC
Not trying to steal your thread but was wondering if any of you have compared the DacMagic to the PS Audio DL III? 
Magnepan announces the 20.7
So, if your listening room is a basic 'shoe-box' , 17.5 w x 26 l with a 9' ceiling 20's should fit quite well?