
Responses from stickman451

Cables ... what's up with them?
Thanks Audiofail... 
Cables ... what's up with them?
Audiofeil, have you tried lKubala Sosna cables? What speaker cables do youlike to use with Magnepan speakers? 
Maggie speakers and bi-amping
I would pesonally go with a nice pair of used 3.6's. The 3's are head and shoulders better than the 1's IMO. Bigger soundstage, better balance between the drivers, and they will fill your room with a bigger more realistic sound. How big is your ro... 
PS Audio Digital Link III - Best Connection to MBP
I use a Toslink cable, (Toslink to mini stereo) to connect my Macbook Pro to my DL III with good results. The Toslink and Coax on the DL III will accept 96/24 files whereas the USB only acepts 44/16 (standard Redbook Audio). Invest in a decent Tos... 
SuperConductor 3 Cables?
So far I like the SuperConductor 3 speaker cables quite a bit. The sound stage seems larger, more 'bloom', more layered, with better decay, and better detail than my DH Labs Q10. The highs are extended and sharp when they should be, but not bright... 
Kubala Sosna Cables - Reality Check
Sounds like I am getting a number of 'yes's; the Kubala Sosna tend to have a 'warmer' tone in a number of different systems. Not bad; just a reality check for me... 
Kubala Sosna Cables - Reality Check
Yes, these are 'demo' cables, not new. I only say that they are sounding 'warm' in the context of my rig and compared to the JPS and Fusion Audio. More listening is definitely needed before I can say for certain. They sound good for sure... 
SuperConductor 3 Cables?
Started serious listening comparing the JPS Labs, Kubala Sosna, and Fusion Audio interconnects. Initial impressions lead me to believe that the Kubala Expression are to the 'warmer' side of neutral, definitely richer and warmer than the JPS and Fu... 
Opinions on Magnepans sales/marketing approach to
I thought that the rooms at Audio Perfection were decent (for typical stereo shop these days); it's worth the trip... 
Opinions on Magnepans sales/marketing approach to
As much as I love Magnepan speakers, I do have to say that Magnepan as a Company is a bit different in thier thinking. To me, they are frugal to an extreme but this has enabled them to sell excellent products at unmatched value. In the 3.7 for exa... 
Magnepan 3.6 or 3.7 - The smart choice?
Kingmacaw, yes, I believe that that both the 1.6 and 1.7 are not as well balanced overall as the 3's and 20's; to me the top-end has a little too much energy on the 1.6's and 1.7's. They are still great transducers but I think they require a littl... 
SuperConductor 3 Cables?
The Kubala cables arrive today. I have the JPS and Fusion Audio now. I will update this posting with my impressions sometime next week. 
Opinions on Magnepans sales/marketing approach to
I ran into the same issues, so I opted to fly up to White Bear Lake for a personal listen. Wendell and everyone at the factory were very nice. Wendell gave me a personal tour of the factory that lasted almost two hours! Then I spent three hours li... 
SuperConductor 3 Cables?
I am going to compare the SuperConductor 3 vs the Kubala Sosna Fascination or maybe the Expression. I have been using the SuperConductor + (about 14 years)so I haven't really experimented too much with cables lately. Will be an interesting compari... 
Spades or Bananas on you Cary 500's
Brownsfan, what size is your room? I am fairly lucky with a good-sized room of, 17.5w x 26L x 9h. Cannot wait to hear the 20's in my room!!! Delivery time is three to four MONTHS!