
Responses from stevecham

Thinking of changing my solid state pre amp
Why not stick with CJ? If you have a CJ amp that would be the best match. I know, change for change sake and then later regret for the "one that got away." 
MM or High Output MC, MI Cartridges. Suggestions Please.
I use a Grado M+ mono cartridge with the eliptical stylus. Serves and tracks my mono pressings perfectly at 1.5 grams and has a nice overall balance. I also have their conical stylus version and it also sounds good with the highs a bit rolled off,... 
What Matters and What is Nonsense
The room is half the sound. One must take that into consideration, otherwise, no equipment is going to sound good in a poor room. 
Which material sounds better for speakers construction? Wood, Ply or MDF?
Doesn't Harbeth use solid wood for its cabinets? 
Whats playing on your system today?
Yes, I have my original copy of Force It that I bought when it came out and it's a great record. 
Memorial Day
With honor and respect to those who serve and have served our country. And a special rememberance to those who gave their lives. We honor you not only on this day, but every day. 
Best Speakers for Very Large Bright Room
My room is 25’ x 25’ x 8’, the worst possible square. I have the system speakers occupying different distances from the side walls, asymmetrically positioned in the room left/right such that the left speaker is about 2’ from the left wall, and the... 
Decent 6-8ft phono cable advice needed.
I just replaced both my phono cables with Blue Jeans LC-1s, one of 1 meter, the other of two meters. They are very low capacitance and are very very quiet and sound great. My other phono cables that these replace are a 1 meter VPI and a 1 meter Ha... 
4-500 $ cartridge for Project Debut Carbon ?
Nagaoka MP200. $397 from LP Gear. You will be amazed. 
A little confused on how to properly integrate my sub
+1 with rhljazz, good rec. 
What system would you gift someone for the appreciation of high fidelity sound?
Used Technics SL1200 table in very good conditionNagaoka MP110 cartridge/Ortofon HeadshellShiit Phono PreampNAD 326 BEE integratedNAD 316 CDPWharfedale Denton 80th Anniversary speakersBlue Jeans, Pangea or AudioQuest interconnects and speaker cables 
Vinyl - Hearing The Beginning of the Song One Revolution Earler
It is adjacent groove wall bleed through, especially when cutters were pressured into using a low pitch to accommodate a long playing side and not using too much compression. It’s a compromise and an art to avoid it altogether, which is why some o... 
Need to Replace Transport
 I am a big fan of my PS Audio PWT memory transport. 
Which is better - Hi end CD transport or Music server into DAC?
+1 here. A high quality, multisource DAC is essential (Wyred 4 Sound DAC2SE for example), as is a CD transport (PS Audio PWT) and server (MacBook Pro is what I enjoy), and, especially, a multitude of good analog sources (I just had to get that in ... 
Does anyone leave their amp and preamp on all the time?
Manley Steelhead and NEO250s are put in standby if going to be inactive for more than a couple of hours. Saves the tubes.