
Responses from stevecham

Whats on your turntable tonight?
Slaw you are rockin' man! 
No sound from phono preamp
Care to share what phono preamp we're talking about? 
The Best Piano Works of the 20th Century
+1 for Martha Argerich playing anything!!! 
Paul is Done
Thank you Paul for living in our time and for so many wonderful songs that you've shared with us over so many years.Old friendsOld friendsSat on their park benchLike bookendsA newspaper blown through the grassFalls on the round toesOn the high sho... 
The Best Piano Works of the 20th Century
Trilogy, Karn Evil 9-2nd Impression - Keith EmersonGymnopedie - Eric SatieEcologue for Piano and Strings - Gerald Finzi 
Pre for the Manley Snapper
I should have mentioned that I also had a Chinook before the Steelhead and it is a stripped down version. I used to have balanced ICs for a Bryston preamp and power amp and, unless you have to run ridiculously long ICs, I don’t feel they make a pe... 
Technics Turntables...really???
Yup, as I promoted earlier in the thread, it seemed obvious what the intention was by the OP. I'm hoping for fewer "hot potatoes" thrown into the middle of the room and then run like hell, pop the corn and sit back and watch the pyrotechnics. Remi... 
Watts are watts?
Watts are watts, except when it comes to my preference for tubes over solid state. I found, after many years of having both types and from different manufacturers, that tubes are what makes my music brain happy. I prefer the envelope around the mi... 
Elapsed Time Counter for Tracking Stylus Life
+1 on Stylast! 
Pre for the Manley Snapper
Either a Manley Jumbo Shrimp or a Steelhead (provided you only need vinyl and one line level input, otherwise you'll need a Skipjack for more line level inputs).  I had a Jumbo Shrimp with the Snappers and later traded up to Steelhead/Skipjack and... 
How is the EAR 843P Deluxe vs. Modern phono preamps?
Mashed potatoes and tomato. So original, thoughtful and helpful.tre9901: you deserve better than this. 
What is needed to build a tube amp and what non?
A component that’s extremely important, unless you’re building an OTL, the quality of the output transformers is critical to the sound of the amp. 
PS Audio AC Regenerators
Still using my PS Audio Premier Power Plant going on 13 years now. It has been rock solid and works great. I know this model got poo-pooed but I have had nothing but great luck with it so far. It makes a difference for my front-end components and ... 
Ortofon 2M Red Alignment Issue
I had a Music Hall table which is the same manufacturer (Project) as your Carbon. It is not the arm but the protractor. A DB protractor is a good one and can be used for all cartridges and arms. This is also an option for a mirrored protractor.  h... 
The Absolute Sound vs Stereophile
Fortunately, Audiogon, Steve Hoffman, Analog Planet, Vinyl Engine and others have replaced my magazine interest in written commentary, opinion, specs and general entertainment (when it's kept civil) about audio equipment.