
Responses from stevecham

CD player for heavy metal up to $400
NAD 516 BEE great all around player! 
Cartridges: Complete Scam?
Inna: hahahahahahahahaha, "you cartridge guys," you're killing me.Viridian: interesting idea, and budget worthy too, but, something must be wrong because none of my catridges has sucked my blood, at least yet.Madavid: You should have all the answe... 
Plug amp and other gear into separate outlets ?
My experience is that by plugging the whole shebang into a single outlet, hum and noise are the lowest possible in my home. 
Cartridges: Complete Scam?
"For the OP and because what I’m telling here the best option is the MINTLP protractor that is dedicated/custom made for its analog rig and that have all the advantages you name it for a hundred buks."IMO Raul nailed it direcly on the head. I was ... 
Which audio component would you like Santa to place under the christmas tree for you?
Peace and happiness with good tunes and times for all Audiogoners in the New Year. 
Cartridges: Complete Scam?
@thehorn: breathing just fine, thank you!I also notice that we share some common choices in our MM collection.I’ve learned something important about the title of this thread: include the word Scam and, focused only on the the ball with pentagons a... 
Cartridges: Complete Scam?
Exactly Todd, case in point:(All carts set up on my table with MINT LP BEST PROTRACTOR and a digital VTF scale accurate to 3 significant figures.)I have an Ortofon Black ~$600 and a $200 Nagaoka 150. Both are great sounding cartridges, I prefer th... 
Cartridges: Complete Scam?
""Whether", not "wether". Unless there's a change in the weather."Thank you lewm!"It's getting snowing in here."Thank you chakster!Oh the weather outside is frightful,But the fire is so delightful,And since we've no place to go,Let It Snow! Let I... 
Cartridges: Complete Scam?
"Will more expensive cartridges lead to better sound?"Maybe yes.Maybe no.Has your head exploded yet? 
Don't you love it and hate it when an upgrade actually gives you a marked improvement?
It's why we love this hobby/interest/pursuit/slippery slope. 
Where should the better of two sets of cables go?
The empirical method is the way to determine this. Do the experiment. 
Michael Fremer's system
Michael likes his system. I'm sure it sounds amazing. It is simply not for me.For me to agree, or not, to his system, is irrelevant. 
Need recommendation for CD transport (not Cambridge)
I have a PS Audio PWT I bought preowned for $1200 a few years ago and it is solid and performs perfectly. It is a memory player and with the I2S interface through a Wyred 4 Sound DAC, I couldn't be happier.HIghly recommended. 
Cartridges: Complete Scam?
or a mass debater 
Cartridges: Complete Scam?
Madavid: Why is this discussion that you promote so focused on the dollar amounts of things? A system is a combination of many independent variables; the number of possible systems and component combinations and room set ups and human ears is an a...