
Responses from stevecham

Natural sweet spot in your system.
I think it’s a combination of room and speakers. There’s a point in sound pressure/volume where the room begins to be heard and often a small range above this that is useful. Below this range, soundstage is small, and above it, standing waves and ... 
CD player just tanked.
I agree with Geoff here; from your comments it sounds like this is a slippery slope, unlike some of us, you’ll be lucky enough to avoid. Congratulations! And, here’s to high end tires and lenses! 
Best tube dampers that you have used
I've used Herbies for small and large power tubes and, frankly, I honestly can't tell the difference. I've gone back and forth a few times, no difference. I leave em off now so as not to compromise cooling in any way. 
The Absolute Sound vs Stereophile
I miss the good old days of Stereophile, right up until the mid-late 90s, when each issue was quite heavy and would last the better part of a month before I fully digested it. I liked AS too but it wasn't technical enough at times. 
Highest detail cartridges
Generally, and I emphasize that word, cartridges that use high profile stylus shapes, such a micro-line, micro-ridge, shibata and others, will have the physical interface to be able to extract the highest of frequencies from the groove. That said,... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
I have an original first press EMI UK import on Harvest that I bought as a teenager in Cambridge, MA. Sounds good too. 
Daryl’s House
As a musician I always enjoy well-shot, close up live performances. Got to check out the one with Walsh.  
Vandersteen 1 repair.
Why not talk to Richard directly and ask if he will sell you a pair of drop in, replacement woofers that you can install yourself? Wouldn't that be the most logical approach? 
I feel so much better now that I know that what I know for myself is valid. 
Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Noise issue driving me nuts!
With the motor off (platter not rotating), upon setting the stylus on a record, does it still hum? 
Technics Turntables...really???
Cleeds, The problem with the post is that it threw Technics as a brand under the bus inferring that Craigslist and DJs were unworthy. Audiophiles = snobbery? Since when?Yeah, I have a problem with that and the OP should know better, or at least as... 
Yes, it's never taking me this long to sell equipment. One factor is that it seems people are quite risk averse to buying toys right now. Not sure what fully accounts for it. Some of the political/economic uncertainties right now may be contributo... 
Grado Sonata Cartridge vs. Rega Ania
I have a Grado Sonata and a few other MM and MI cartridges; two that I have that I prefer over the Sonata, for the sonic characteristics it seems you seek, are a Nagaoka MP200 and an Ortofon Black. The Nagaoka is very, very smooth and easy on the ... 
Cartridge, phono stage (and settings) and arm set up (azimuth, VTA, VTF, cantilever alignment, overhang) all matter greatly with VPI table and arms. I have an Aries 2 with JMW 10.5 arm and run a Lyra Delos into a Manley Steelhead. I was using the ... 
Technics Turntables...really???
Happy Technics 1200 and other series table owners, of which I am one, have nothing to defend. This thread was started by a someone who simply wanted to throw an unqualifed and inexperienced hot potato in the middle of the room and then run like he...