
Responses from stevecham

Cables matter. They don't all sound the same. I can easily tell my Van Den Hull carbon IC from my Blue Jeans, from my Audioquest from my AntiCable from my Harmonic Technologies.Naysayers: I feel for ya, really, I do.  
Best vinyl of "Who's Next"
I listen for John’s one-time low bass note at the end of the lyric repeats of "teenage wasteland," right on the "age" syllable on the last refrain of Baba. There’s a specific synergy between Entwistle and Moon right at that point that has always b... 
circle of confusion
Ah, got it thanks fellas. Going (deaf, dumb &) blind. 
circle of confusion
Yes, fewer electrons results in large cost savings. 
circle of confusion
"Upper right hand of the page, there is a button with 3 parallel lines, click it and choose Classic View. It will save it's self and become your default."Where? I don't see it. 
advice for new phono pre
EAR 834P is one I have had for many years and sounds great with both MMs and MCs. I too have a Nagaoka mp200 (and mp150), in addition to a variety of other MIs and MMs and love the sound on an SL1200mkII 
Conrad-Johnson PV 11 preamp tube dilemma
Put some new JJs in there, that will brighten things up. 
So what’s the future look like
Yeah, my kids do the same exact thing. It's all about convenience to them despite my encouragment to listen to higher quality playback. They don't care, it's wallpaper to them. Maybe it will change. My generation is a dying breed. We actually care... 
What is being said at the 1:59 mark of this song?
To me it sounds like, "go-do-bo-bro" 
WD 40 to remove scratches on vinyl !
Why this question even appears is beyond me. 
Audiogon screws up their site even more
Yeah, what is up with these stupid peepholes? That's the poorest, stupidest form of marketing and representation ever! What dunderhead came up with that idea? Just because you can do it? That's middle school stuff. C'mon Audiogon, at least restore... 
Any real sonic improvement using 2 or 3 belts on VPI tables?
VPI pulleys have different levels (speeds) built into the slight conical shape so it makes zero sense to use more than one belt; they will fight one another with increased friction. I have an Aries 2. I would like to try floss though, that sounds ... 
CDs Vs LPs
I love both formats, also streaming, cassette and reel to reel.  But I do have a slight preference for vinyl, particularly for drums. They sound more natural to me on vinyl, and I played bass in several bands years ago so I know what live, unampli... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Tones On Tail 
Talk but not walk?
May I ask, exactly, and respectfully, what the heck is this thread about? I mean, I’m looking for meaning, relevance and knowledge here, and I find none.