
Responses from stevecham

Mapleshade 4 inch thick maple. I use them for my Manley NEO 250 monoblocks and they look beautiful and sound wonderful. 
Simaudio vs PS Perfect Wave...
I’m partial to the PWT simply because I own one and it has served me perfectly for many years. It is also a memory player. Coupled with either a PS Audio or Wyred 4 Sound DAC, in either case connected via I2S, it’s really hard to beat. 
Confirming sub is torched...
I had this happen to a KEF sub years ago and concluded that the filter caps in the power supply were shot. It might be repairable by a good local shop, depending on what the cap values are, though most modern caps are available through Mouser and ... 
Why are the vocals on some records hidden behind the music on my system?
You have phase cancellations that are likely cause by a misaligned catridge. I too have had this happen and proper ailgnment totally solved the problem. Be aware that not all protractors work properly. I was using a dB and found that it was 2-3 mm... 
Oregon Audiophiles...
Here in Southern Oregon, Medford area. 
Help ... Totally stuck (subwoofer topic)
The problem could be phasing, i.e., when you hook the sub up via the line ins/outs, the sub is out of phase with your main's woofers. Have you tried adjusting the sub's phase control, given that it has one? 
Connecting some vintage stuff up....but with a "snag" in the situation....
What you need is a sub that accepts a speaker level signal and then cross over, usually at 80 Hz, to the mains. Then you can adjust the level (and phase if it has that). That would be the simplest and least distorting solution. 
How do you determine value & performance?
I started my "slippery slope slide" in 1997 so I’ve been pursuing this for about two decades. I think all the factors you cited above matter. For me it is primarily about sound, and I have purchased gear from Audiogoners, Brick and Mortar dealers ... 
Thiel Owners
Beetle: I had Vandersteen 2Ce Sigs v1 and, over time, felt they were not dynamic enough so I traded them for CS2.4s that are a significant improvement in that area. Extended highs were also notable in the 2.4s vs the 2s. But, my CS6s outshine my 2... 
Most satisfying system change in 2017?
Added two SVS SB2000 subs, handing off to my monoblocks at 80 Hz and above (I can now run the volume on the preamp an eighth of a turn lower), the subs take care of everything below that, got them dialed in over a month’s time, had my audio buddie... 
Recommendations for a phono amp
+1 on the Project 
Speaker Sensitivity AND Power Requirements
I have them, along with a pair of Elac Debut 6s. The Dentons will work best if you feed them some power, even at lower listening levels, the dynamics and punch in the midbass will come through.  
I like JJ’s. Their ECC83s sound great and don’t cost an arm and a leg. 
Musician vs. audiophile
If subs are not correctly calibrated and integrated with a system, they will kill soundstage, warmth and dynamics.