
Responses from stevecham

Is this Normal? Zeppelin IV LP sounds horrible
Mechans: if there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now... 
Cambridge Audio 840C
I know this may sound surprising, but after listening to the 840c with Harmonic Tech, Tara and Synergisitc ICs, my favorite IC is a Mapleshade thin ribbon cable that I bought from an audio friend. This has all the spacial and extension qualities I... 
advice on amp - $3,500 maximum budget
conrad johnson 2500A and you will hae money left over.Very tube like sounding sold state amp. 
Is this Normal? Zeppelin IV LP sounds horrible
IV was not mastered well to begin with and I agree the Classic version is the best I've heard so far, which still leaves much to be desired.It's a matter of the music meaning more than the sonics. 
Tubelike SS Power amp
conrad johnson does a good job coming up with designs that are quite tube like sonically. I just moved from a CAV 50 tube integrated to their CA200 and don't feel I'm missing much in the way of that "tube" sound. 
Any U2 Fans Here?
Ditto lowering the volume on the vinyl version. There is no reason why rock can't be mastered without all that ghoul damn compression. Oh right, this is music for the masses with their earbuds and mp3 players that would catch fire if there was gre... 
Phonostage Question
I recommend the EAR 834P but I would like to hear how the Art Audio compares to this phono pre. 
I always do something stupid...
Easy, before you do anything in the future, STOP and take ten seconds to THINK before you DO ANYTHING. Think it through.STOP,COUNT, THEN ACT. 
6 ohm speakers with 4/8 ohm amplifier
Whichever sounds best, don't worry, you won't hurt anything. 
Tubes or S.S. for Thiel CS 2.4?
After about six months of break in on the 2.4s the bass is loosening up and is now extending quite nicely. I don't have any perception that I need a subwoofer now, though I can see how one could want one when they were new.These speakers DO need c... 
Conrad Johnson CA200 vs. Mcintosh MA6900
I leave my CA200 on all the time with no problems, and I don't worry about it, the amp is built to last. This way it stays nice and toasty for the next listening session. 
Equalizer or acoustic room treatment or?
Buy the set of Lenrd bass traps from Aurelex and put them in the front corners of your room stacked on one another.This will warm up the sound, provide a better bass balance against the highs and open up the soundstage. I couldn't live without 'em. 
Should I get a new cart, TT or phono stage?
I agree with Stanwal on this. If you can replace with a Rega, Project or Music Hall that would be a nice step up.Some will say Technics 1200 but I personally favor belt drives. 
set up question cambridge
I think there is something wrong with your amp; you should not have to turn it up that much to get a similar volume. In terms of loudness, the difference between a 50W and a 200W amp is not that much. 
Cambridge 840c burn in
My 840c now has 1 week of steady play on it and I would not characterize it at all as "bright." It sounds very natural, like good vinyl, with excellent extension and a wide and deep soundstage. I couldn't be happier with this purchase and am consi...