
Responses from stevecham

Krell primer?
I use Harmonic Technology throughout. 
Speaker audition: a novice’s journey
Based on your stated preferences, please explore products by Thiel and Vandersteen. If preservation of musical timbre is important to you and it sounds like it is, then phase and time accuracy would be a goal of yours in auditioning speakers. 
What's your favorite lyric from a song?
"You tell that you've heard every sound there is..."And Your Bird Can Sing, Beatles 1966 
Krell primer?
I've had the KCT/FPB400cx combination since early 2003 and I have no desire to upgrade these components, though at times I must admit I've wondered how much more of everything I would get with a 700cx. These components have improved sonically thro... 
Jim Thiel has passed.
As 2.4 and 6 owner I have been a fan of his designs for years. My heart felt sympathy goes out to his family and friends. 
Best copy of Wish You Were Here
Ditto my 1975 copy on Columbia domestic is the best I have heard. Fortunately I was old enough by then (18) to know it was important to take good care of my records. It still sounds marvelous. 
What speaker would be good for Krell rack?
Thiel or Vandersteen. I have 6s and they are NOT bright.I don't know where this long purported notion comes from, but, like most crap without substance, is often sticky. 
Pass XA30.5 or Krell FPB-400cx?
I have owned the KCT/400cx CASTed combo for 7 years now and these components have provided me nothing but remarkable and musical satisfaction. They are not forward, backward or anything but balanced in every direction. Within 2 seconds of starting... 
Ayre CX-7e vs. Bryston BCD-1
I demoed the Cambridge 840c and the Bryston. To me the Cambridge had much better resolution and correct presentation of timbre. Plus it will save you $ 
How much are your speakers toed in?
No more than 4.239 degrees 
Good Amplifier to Drive Thiels' CS1.5
I am using a CJ CA200 to drive Thiel 2.4s and this is a great match. I can only imagine that this amp will also make those 1.5s sing. I know your budget is $1k but if there is any way you can swing for more, this would be one heck of an amp for yo... 
Best Integrated Amp You Ever Heard?
After exploring various integrateds over the past few years; Jolida, Rogue and CJ tubed, and Krell and Musical Fidelity solid state, and while all fine integrateds with various strengths and limitations, I have finally settled on a CJ CA200 solid ... 
Your Best Vinyl Memory
Late 70's college listening to a fresh import vinyl recording of Yes' Close to the Edge while sharing 6 foot bong with fellow yesophiles. One of us (not me) had managed to earn enough summer money to purchase a 100+ wpc Pioneer receiver and we all... 
Most Peaceful Music you've Heard or Own
Elgar - Sospiri 
Do you plan to buy The Beatles CD remasters?
Got 'em already preordered from Amazon. It's the Beatles dammit!