
Responses from stevecham

Krell FPB-600 or FPB-700cx - RCA vs. XLR Input
One thing I will not do is buy a preamp with balanced or CAST outputs.Clearly the 700cx is not for you; in order to obtain all the benefits of this amp you would need to do just that, especially CAST, otherwise you are wasting your money. 
Hi-End for Black Metal?
Ironmine I also listen to some of those bands you like and I have found that revealing speakers, like Thiel are great for listneing into the depths of what are usually highly compressed recordings of that genre. Also, bass is usually relegated to ... 
With $20,000 in your hand, what speaker would you
Easy, Vandersteen 5A.Full extension below 20 Hz with phase and time coherence.Can't beat them for the price and you'll have megabux left for software or some other toy. 
Krell FPB 400CX, Bel Canto Ref1000 MkII
Apples and oranges: my choice is Krell but in your system you may prefer the Bel.I am not convinced passive pre is the way go with either however. The Krell will benefit from a quality active pre, especially a KCT via CAST. Otherwise you will not ... 
Revel Gems with a Krell FPB 400CX?
It is one of the finest solid state amps around. You won't be disappointed. I've had mine for 6 years and it is a wonderful piece of gear, sonically it has improved with age and has worked flawlessly. 
I could cry
So it was the cat's fault that it was locked in your staorage area?Be a man and deal with it. Hay you would have gone too if you had to. 
Krell 300c, 300cx or 250m???
Agreed 300cx is the best of the three you mentioned. 
Which component has the most importance?
Speakers are important but so is the source and amplification. There is no way speakers can reproduce content if the source can't first extract it from the software and present error/distortion free it to the rest of the system.It's all about syst... 
Replacement for Vandersteen 2ci
I went from 2Ce Sigs to Thiel 2.4s. Huge improvement and I limit myself to either of these manufacturers due to the time and phase coherence of their designs. 
what phono amp for a VPI scout with Lyra Dorian
I have a VPI and a Lyra cart and the EAR 834P is my phone preamp choice. Great synergy. 
What is the best power cable under $200.00 retail?
PS Audio Power Punch, made a huge improvment for me and I use these extensively now. A great unsung bargain. 
Vandersteen 5a or Krell Lat-1's
I posted earlier but it didn't show...VANDERSTEEN 
Need advice picking a preamp.
A CJ PV10 is an outstanding preamp with MM stage. 
Need advice on McIntosh driving Thiel 2.4's
If this helps I am happily driving my Thiel 2.4s with a conrad johnson CAV50 tube integrated at 45 WPC. They sound simply wonderful and I really don't need them to go any louder than this set up will take them. 
SS. Amp to go well with Aesthetix Calypso Preamp.
From extended listening to a friend's set up the Parasound JC1s work very well with this preamp.