
Responses from stevecham

Updated system need your suggestions
Please add Vandersteen 1Cs to your speaker option 
Top notch speakers with their own sub
I read this thread with dropped jaw as no one has yet mentioned the finest speakers of this description. They being the time and phase coherent Vandersteen 5A. 
New vinyl's noisy little secret
It's the quality of the vinyl used today, virgin is evermore expensive and ever harder to source. Plus, I think they should leave the pressing longer in the stamper to allow the poorer quality vinyl a chance to flow longer. 
Seeking Ten Years After song
I saw them from the first balcony in the-then Music Hall in Boston circa'73-'74 (R&R Music to the World tour). They were truly great but Alvin did seem to hog the spotlight. Very different times. One of the better sounding shows at that time, ... 
help a new brother out. power supply confusion.
PS Audio Premier Power Plant is exactly what you need. I wouldn't live without 'em. It's like getting a whole new system in the process, not to mention the protection. 
Phono Stage Question
EAR 834P is one of the finest phono stages at this price point and it is tubed. 
Can we objectively rate speaker cables?
The problem with this approach is that any attemp to provide a semi quantitative evalution of cable performance will be ENTIRELY system dependent. Cables cannot be evaluted out of the system context and I have yet to read where bench measurements ... 
best tommy record
The Classic 200 gram is quite good though and I am happy with this. The Classic Quadrophenia left something to be desired, however, with its multiple groove potholes that sound like nails on a chalk board. And it quiet places too!For that album th... 
Want to buy Ayre C-5xeMP but...
Distortion in the time domain still keeps CD's sounding better than servers. Don''t get me wrong, I do like my Squeezebox coaxed into the DAV of my Cambridge Audio 840c, but CD playback is still much better. 
Miss my Dunlavy Speakers, Were to go...
Vandersteen and Thiel are aligned with John Dunlavy's requirements for time and phase coherent designs. You owe it to yourself to listen to these manufacturers' products. 
What Integrated Amps have the sonics of Separates?
I have owned several integrateds throught the years and the CJ CA200 I currently own conveys all the attributes of a well designed separates system. Plus, it's about as tube sounding as solid state in the mids and highs while remaining tight and c... 
punk was an assault on disco
Punk was also an assault on prog rock. New wave emerged from punk as keyboardists/synthesists resumed their rightful place in rock. 
Any vets among the Audiophiles here?
I too want to thank every man and woman who is serving, or has served our country. I wish our country took better care of you and yours that have sacrificed for all of us. 
Music or Lyrics?
I don't know about rock lyrics not able to be poetry. Some of Joni Mitchell's lyrics I have read to others as stand alone poetry. From her albums Blue, Court and Spark and Hejira, these lyrics hold their own. 
Music or Lyrics?
For pop music, the combination of music, lyrical meaning and lyrical phonetic sound (even if you didn't understand the language it's sung in) is what I listen for.The Beatles understood this and often succeeded in incorporating all three elements ...