
Responses from stevecham

Which Integrated tube amp?
Conrad Johnson CAV50 one the best and classic EL34 based designs, with proprietary CJ caps and built to last.Oh yeah it sounds magical.I had a Cronus that I purchased new from a local dealer and the CJ that I purchased second hand on the 'gon is a... 
Small Floorstander/Monitor good with tubes
Vandersteen 1C - great small floorstanders that are timbrally accurate, phase and time coherent. 
Tell us about the rest of your system, that way we can help you make choices that are balanced with your existing system and budget. 
More convinced of analog than ever
Yesterday we had our annual record LP sales extravaganza here in Eugene, OR and there were a couple hundred people at any given time going for the vinyl in a single Hilton ballroom sized room. People of all ages.Paid $1 to $15 for some real finds.... 
CD player recommendations under $2K used
cj dv2b 
Esoteric CD / Conrad Johnson Amps: Interconnects?
You are a newbie with that gear?Really? 
Guitar's...what do the audionuts play?
Suhrs, Gibsons, Fenders, Ricks, a 1961 Epi Sheraton and a Martin 
Manley Stingray EL 84 tube recommendations please
Go with JJs, they are among the best currently made tubes. 
Subsonic Rumble Solutions
Too bad that more phono preamp manufacturers don't provide an option for such a subsonic filter. Does anyone know of a high end phono pre that has this feature built in and is switchable? 
Rega P25 Setup Question
But to reiterate an earlier point, please use a VTF gauge when setting the Vertical Tracking Force appropriate for your cartridge. DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT RELY on the numbers on the REGA counterweight dial!A good inexpensive gauge is made by Shure ... 
I play guitar, bass, drums and a little keyboards. My home studio is Cubase/Tascam based. I also have begun building Metro Amps from George Metropoulos and would love to build one for any audiophile musicians.Steve 
SS balanced preamplifier for Krell FPB 400cx
Why don't you have Krell KCT on your list? One of the finest preamps out there and totally matched to your amp.I have demoed my KCY in many other systems and it always pleases.Especially via CAST. 
Which is the most tubelike solid state amp around
conrad johnson solid state components have many tube characteristics in their sound. 
HELP: Krell CAST and Balanced Inputs
CAST: high impedance output into low impedance inputBalanced/single ended: low impedance output into high impedance input 
Best Phono Stage within 2000 $
EAR 834P woth money left over for vinyl: I have two of them and to my ears and in my experience they are one the best values in audio. They do not lack for anything given good tubes installed (JJ 12ax7s).Steve