
Responses from stevecham

Most musical integrated amp you have heard?
I like the laid back and easy-on-the-ears midrange presentation, the quickness of the dynamic response and the silkyness and extension of the highs; all in all very close to a tube sounding amp as any solid state design I have heard, but with the ... 
My favorite Steely Dan song has to be...
CDs with heavy, fast bass and/or long drum solos
Spahn Ranch - Closure you want bass and drums you got it! 
Speaker Burn In...
Speaker break in does matter. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
I just want to be 1000 
Most musical integrated amp you have heard?
CJ CA200 and my search is now done. 
Thiel CS3.7 vs WP8?
It all depends on whether phase and time coherence are important to you. Plus how can anyone like a speaker that intentionally reverses the phases of the midrange driver relative to the tweeter and woofer?There is no way I would ever consider Wils... 
Vandersteen Model 1
How was the woofer repaired? These are great speakers but I would find out more about this. 
Which 12AX7 tubes for EAR 834P phono stage?
I was using Telefunken smooth plates but when I switched to new JJs the improvement was evident. More dynamic with improved depth and top/bottom extension. 
Best Phono stage for my system - from my list
I am a big fan of the EAR834P (I have 2). The key is to put some good Telefunkens or JJs in it. 
Your First Concert was.....
Dave Mason in the Fall of 1971 in the Aquarius theatre in Boston. This was also my first exposure to the smell of weed at the tender age of 14. 
Thorens td-124 or MusicHall MMF-7?
I've owned both of these, currently enjoying the MM7 for four years now, and I feel that sonically the MM7 is the better of the two. I could never get the Thorens to eliminate the "haze" I heard on all my records. The MM7 does not have this proper... 
Van Quatro, Thiel 2.4, PSB Synch One, Merlin, Salk
I have the 2.4s powered by a CJ CA200 control amp. They extend nicely top and bottom with a smooth and silky midrange. The thing I really like about them is the huge image they present. It is difficult to listen analyicially for too long simply be... 
Phono Preamp suggestions?
EAR 834P is an excellent phono pre. 
Good SS Amp for Vandies 2 Ce
CJ CA200 would be an excellent choice.