
Responses from stevecham

Best CD I've heard so far 2011.........
Jesu - Ascension 
EAR 834P help
With the EAR 834p (Music Hall 7/Lyra Argo i) I use Harmonic Technology Silver Phono cable with their locking RCAs and I am very happy with the results. Smooth and neutral which is how I like it. 
What are your favorite phono cartridges?
Lyra Argo i and Helikon i. Lyra is now by far my favorite cartridge company after having owned models by van den Hul, Benz Micro, Koetsu, Grado and Shelter. Their line contact styli track beautifully and get the information out of the groove. 
Cabling for ear 834 phono
I have been using Harmonic Technologies Truth Link for several years now between my EAR 834p and my line stage with satisfactory results. Another option you might consider is a cable by Audioquest such as their Niagara. What are you using between ... 
Any 5a owners?
Ditto Audiofeil's sentiment. I have an audio friend who has these speakers powered by Parasound JC1s and they are simply sublime and transportive. You will not miss a thing with the 5a. The bass alone is absolutely ruler flat to 20 Hz. Time and ph... 
Krell FPB 300cx enough to drive B&W Nautilus 801?
Nice amps! 
Hearing loss Temporary or more permanent?
Great advice Elizabeth. I too use a Shack digital meter and keep it handy for listening. For longer listening sessions, I adjust the volume so that the peaks (max setting, C weighted, fast response) hit just on 80. This way I know I am not doing a... 
Gruv Glide
I avoid this sort of stuff, just clean vinyl with my VPI and I'm done. Keep your stylus clean too. 
Krell FPB 600 or 400cx?
Sorry I meant 2 Ohms. 
Disappointing Evening
We are a rare breed of enthusiasts, and we have priorities that are unique to each of us, even within this forum. I have a few audio buddies but we don't spend much time listening to each other's systems over the course of year. My closest audio b... 
Vintage Amps - Pleasantly surprised
I too have had this experience and I think part of it comes from not having too high an expectation that allows us to relax and simply evaluate what we perceive at face value. The problem with expensive gear sometimes is that we generate a preconc... 
Your Favorite, Most Outstanding Guitar Solo
As I wrote in December 2003:Peter Frampton playing that excellent solo at the end of "Apron Strings" from John Entwistle's 70s' album Whistle Rhymes.I still vote for this one, so melodic and fitting to the tune. 
Krell FPB 600 or 400cx?
And the only reason it didn't quite double into 4 Ohms was because the line voltage began to sag. 
Addiction to Brand
And maybe the Krellians too!Brands I am addicted to:Conrad JohnsonLyraVPIHarmonic TechnologiesThielCambridge AudioandyesKrell ;-) 
Music to die to
Elgar - Sospiri